Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Uhm... okay.... and Heart Beat?!?

This morning Mikey woke me up to take care of Michael at 8:30 since he'd been up with him since 7. I rolled out of bed and took Michael to the living room and I crashed (kind of) on the couch. I dozed while he played and anytime it got quiet I'd check on him. He was usually climbing on me though. Around 10 I scooped him and his bottle up and went to cuddle with Mikey. Michael however didn't want to cuddle us, he'd much rather clobber us.

 We both got up and Mikey took a shower while Michael and I watched t.v. My tummy had been upset since I rolled out of bed earlier but I was too afraid to get something to eat because of how I was feeling. After a minute, I realized I needed to use the restroom. So I used the hall bathroom and left the door open so I could hear Michael. I went to piddle and as I was sitting on the pot I watched as both of the cats went to look at the cat carrier that is sitting in the hall way. They both stopped and stared at it which I thought was interesting. Then, I heard what sounded like when the cats scratch from the inside of the container trying to get out. The cats continued to stare for a second, as they just stood there and then walked away. I couldn't look away, I hadn't seen anything inside of it, the door was closed, so if anything was inside of it I wouldn't know how they would have got into it in the first place. Nor have we ever had any creatures get into our apartment before. I just sat there and stared for a good minute, but nothing happened again.

 I heard Mike get out of the shower and I called for him while I washed my hands, still watching the cat carrier. He came and asked what was up. I told him and he picked up the cat carrier and dumped it upside down. The door opened, but nothing came out. It had just been in the closed position with something sitting in front of it to keep it closed. There was nothing at all in there. He asked if one of the cats was scratching around, but I assured him that they were both perfectly still when it happened. I am so confused and have never experienced anything like it before.

We went out into the living room where Michael looked at me and said, "Ash? Up!" I love that he calls me Ash, because it's just too cute with the way he says it. He says Mama every now and again, but mostly I'm just Ash. I told him I couldn't pick him up because my tummy was upset, but he kept repeating, "Ash? Up!" while reaching both hands up to me. Mike came through the gate and so he asked him to pick him up. Mike did and then after a minute he put him down so he could get some food. Michael again looked at me and asked me to pick him up. I told him that if Daddy picked him up and handed him to me I could hold him for a little bit, so that's what happened.

 Mike made us tuna sandwiches, which Michael got everywhere and then I told Mike that Bry would be here at 2. He asked to make sure if I said Bry. I told him that I had my doctor's appointment today and he had forgot that it was today. We are hoping to get to hear the heartbeat for the first time though and I'm very excited about the idea of hearing it.

 As I was typing this, Mike called me back out to the living room and as I walked out there, I saw Michael passed out half laying on Mike. So adorable!  I will write more later today! :)

So Bry showed up around 1:30 so she could watch Michael while Mike and I went to the Dr.'s office. We went and waited for a good while. We found out today that if we got insurance through Mikes work it was really bad and we'd be paying more money out than we could afford to from his paycheck.

 The Dr pulled us in and said we would try to listen to the heart beat, but that we might not be able to yet. (The joys of being overweight and pregnant) We couldn't find the heartbeat so she did an ultrasound to see where the baby was located and we got to see our little one. For the first time I got to see baby and know what I was looking at on this machine. I could see baby's entire body from head to toe and little one was dancing all around, kicking it's feet. After that, she tried again and we got the heartbeat. The rate was 158 but it was so exciting to see and hear. :) It makes it that much more real. The morning sickness doesn't make me feel like I'm pregnant, it just makes me feel like I'm sick.

 When we saw the baby I looked at Mike and saw a big smile on his face, and I'm sure I had the same big smile on mine as well.

 Bry had asked if I could ask what we could take for heartburn and we were told we could take Tums, among other things. My next appointment isn't until June 7th which is in one month. Next big thing to look forward to? My wedding!

Bry and I also hung out afterwards while the guys were at work. We took my 13 week photo, which I couldn't find my black tank top that I was planning to use for all my photos!

 And I also got a cute picture of Michael and Bry. He leaned in to kiss her it was way too cute!

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