So far second trimester has been interesting. I thought that during second trimester morning sickness was supposed to ease up and you were supposed to get a boost of energy. However, I am always exhausted!
Michael is always awake and happy early in the morning while I'm still dreaming of laying in bed. He's always up running around, playing and climbing on things for me to chase after him, and I do, but when I'm so tired it just wears me out even more. I will chase after him though, he is absolutely adorable and I don't want to miss out on this time with him that I will never get back, I just wish he would nap a little more regularly and I could nap with him. Lately after I eat, my head wants to drop as soon as I'm finished, or close to finishing my meal. I'm so tired right now even that I can hardly think about what I'm typing. I was trying to get Michael to take his evening nap, but he's not down for that.
Morning sickness has lightened a little bit after having that horrid day of dizziness. I still get it though, and after I eat I almost always feel sick for a while. I thought I was going to lose my lunch earlier today, but after laying on the couch for a while it helped. I suppose I should let Michael run around the living room since he's not going to nap right now and I don't want to keep him "caged" up when he's so energetic right now.
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