Not really a lot to tell about the last three days. I guess I can start with Sunday though. On Sunday we woke up and were getting ready to leave so Mike could be at work by 10 or 11am (I can't remember which right now haha) anyway, we were about to walk out the door when it hit me. The last two strawberry waffles did not want to be my breakfast, so I rushed to the closest toilet to plead for my life as my body rid itself of them. Why did I plead for my life? I had a stuffed up nose, and had not had anything to drink. I don't like drinking anything for breakfast, it's just to early. I wish I had of drank something though, because thick non digested waffles from 5 minutes ago coming back up will not come back up easy.
Gross? Yes, so gross. It was so thick that it would get stuck in my throat and I wouldn't be able to breathe, let alone when it did come up and wanted to come through my nose but couldn't because it was all blocked off. Mikey, my dear Mikey stood behind me in case I needed anything. He had a bottle of water ready for me and he got me clean toilet paper so I could blow my nose after I knocked the current roll into the cat litter. (In this bathroom I keep the toilet paper on the back of the toilet because the little holder sits under the hand towels!)
I couldn't stop being sick and I knew we were supposed to be out the door and on our way already. On top of that after being sick like that I am always so weak and shaky that I barely have the energy to stand, let alone drive. So Mikey asked me (probably half way through me being sick) if he should take the car. He had already let his co-worker know that he would be late. I shook my head thinking I could do it, but after I was finished I knew there was no way that I could drive, even just the drive home if he drove us there. So, I told Mikey to take the keys. This normally wouldn't seem wrong, but he only has his permit and not his license. Mikey is a good driver though and I knew he would be good/safe so I let him go. That left me stuck in the house all day without a vehicle and it felt so weird not having taken Mikey to work myself.
Monday, Mikey worked a late shift and I didn't really do much that day. After I dropped him off at work though I stopped by Wal-Mart. Luckily, the Wal-Mart has a McDonalds inside so I got a Cheeseburger Happy Meal. Sadly they messed up the burger, I told them no onions, so they gave me one with onions and no pickles. I love pickles and the hot pickles they put on their burger actually sounded kind of good. Oh well, I wiped off the onions and Michael and I shared the burger and fries. I just needed something so I didn't pass out. Michael got a toddler toy which are toys for kids age 1-3 and he played with that as well. I had also ordered a milk on the side so I got the kid soda and Michael for the first time drank through a straw. Okay, I take that back it's the second time. He drank my Jamba Juice through a straw before, but it was still high up in the straw so he didn't have to do much. The milk he had to suck up all by himself!
So we walked around and I bought him some new shirts (only $3 each) and some new cups with straws in them. I also bought some more carpet cleaner so we can clean our living room (let's get that smooshed black banana out of the carpet! Yay! Okay and a whole bunch of other stains that I have no idea how they got there... seriously how does a carpet get so freaking dirty???) I think that's about all that happened on Monday really. Oh, I take that back, I bought Michael a harness, one that has a puppy on it. I hate harnesses, but I bought it because I think it will work best for where we are at now. Michael can have the freedom to walk around in higher traffic areas and not have to be strapped to his stroller for long periods of time which leads to a good for so long, and then very fussy baby.
Yesterday, Mikey had another late day at work, didn't go in until 4pm. We hung out most of the day, got on the computers, watched t.v., played with Michael, the usual stuff. Then I took Mikey to work. When I got home I was going to drive around to get the mail, but had already parked in an open spot next to my apartment before I thought of the mail. So, I decided we could walk over to get the mail.
Now, the walk to our mail box isn't a long walk, we live in a very small apartment complex. The mail box isn't right around the corner either though and it was too hot to carry Michael over there. He's getting big and carrying him longer distances in the heat makes me tired and sick. Heck, I get sick carrying him up our stairs sometimes, how lame is that? Anyway, I carried him past the cars and set him down on the sidewalk. That made him happy.
Michael is a very curious little boy and everything is :point: "What's that?" or "What is that?" He says both, and it's almost continuous. So being allowed to get down on the ground and walk around was very exciting. He ran to the trees, which we carry him over to so he can touch them on our way to the car and he ran to the bushes. I managed to get him going in the right direction somehow, maybe I carried him, but we got to the big grassy area by the pool. (Obviously the pool is gated off) He ran around in the grass then he started going the wrong way. I hoped to distract him by pointing at things and asking him what they were so he would investigate, but there were plenty of things for him to investigate the way he was going. So I went over grabbed his hand and we started walking towards the playground. No one was there so I set him down in the wood chips to walk around and play. He wasn't really that interested, so I put him on a slide and slid him down the end of it. Still not that interested, he got off by himself. He ran around and banged on some of the poles which was fun, but he wanted back in the grass where there were bushes and trees and other plants. The mail box is on the other side of the playground and Michael was going the wrong way again so I picked him up (which didn't make him happy) and put him up on the jungle gym itself. I was nervous to let go of him because if he got up and ran to the other side he could just fall off and I couldn't catch him. I finally let go of him figuring I could grab him before he got that far and all he wanted to do was get down, so he backed up on his stomach like he does to get off a chair or the couch most of the time and tried to reach the ground by going over the slide. I guided him down the slide and he was off and running again.
I picked him up and carried him over to the mail box, which luckily for me was interesting enough to not make him angry for being picked up. By the time I had got the mail and started back though, he was ready to get down. So I set him back down in the play area and let him go. He went to the side where we needed to go, got out and went straight towards a bush, by the time I got there he was ready to go down the sidewalk towards the parking lot so I had to set him straight. He ran through the grass towards the trees and I continued the way were supposed to go. He noticed that I was "far away" and called out after me. I pretended to run a little bit further and he started coming after me. Every time I stopped though, he would stop.
At one point he noticed someone's stairs and knew he needed to climb them. I got him down from the one step he had climbed and tried to walk him the way we needed to go while holding his hand, but he did what he does best when he's angry and went limp. So I dragged him a couple of inches by just hanging onto his hand, hoping he would put his feet down and stand up. (Okay so I didn't drag him, because his feet weren't touching the ground, but it felt like dragging him) Now when Michael gets angry and goes limp, it's not just a silent limp, it's a red in the face, screaming, crying, I'll arch my back if it helps, gone limp baby. I don't know where he got it from, but when it's not frustrating it's rather amusing. After I set him down in the grass, he got up and started back towards the stairs so I picked him up. Of course that made him mad, so I gave him my keys. Something he's not allowed to have because I'm afraid he'll drool in the clicker and make it stop working. That helped until we went up our stairs. I wouldn't let go of the keys because I didn't want him to drop them and I was letting him climb up the stairs himself. Once he started getting really mad I just picked him up again and let him have the keys, but draped the lanyard over his neck. Well, that was a bad idea because he still thought I was holding onto them and he started to pull on his neck with them. I took them off and opened our door and laid the limp fussy baby on the carpet inside the door.
I let him fuss, and figured he'd get over it. He didn't though, so I got his bottle and gave it to him and put him in his crib for a nap. He fell asleep for a little bit which was nice, but then he woke up screaming and crying again. He was still angry at me. I figured maybe playing in the living room would make him happy but it didn't and almost half an hour later when he was still throwing a fit I made another bottle and laid him back down. He didn't nap, but he laid there quietly and drank the bottle. When he was done, he was happy and in a good mood.
We picked Mikey up from work and then went to Alberto's where I got a wet bean rice and cheese burrito that I'd been craving for days. It hit the spot and was amazing. I ate the whole thing. I was almost too full to move after that, but it was worth it!
Today so far has just been hot. Woke up and took Mikey to work, bought him a drink and took it to him, then came home. Turned on the AC and sat down to watch The Biggest Loser on Hulu which aired last night while the house and I cooled down and Michael drank a bottle. Then, Michael and I went to the living room so I could clean it up. We have ants again. We haven't had ants for a good while (since we moved in and fought them off) but it's hot again and here they are. I picked up all the toys and trash (a couple of plastic bags that Michael had emptied the contents of from the Wal-Mart trip the other day and a drink bottle or two that Michael likes to play with after we drink them) and started vacuuming. I got the whole living room vacuumed but then I was done. I was hot and sick. I had hoped to get the ants that are on the couch vacuumed up too at the very least, but I just couldn't do it. I sat down before I got really sick. Michael played for a bit and then I saw him sitting in the entry way. There are some ants over there too (continuing the line from the back of the couch) so I called him. I'm pretty sure he ate some ants because he was "chewing" and then made a really odd face. Like something didn't taste right, and there was an ant on his cheek that had been smooshed. He laughed and came over to me and then played for a bit while I rested. I made him a bottle and put him in his crib and now he's napping while I'm typing.
I'm going to go make myself something to eat, because while I'm not sick feeling anymore I am hungry. Which reminds me of something I wanted to write down so I didn't forget it. This pregnancy I have major food aversions towards meat. Meat makes me so sick. I cannot stomach it at all. I was amazed that I was able to eat the McDonald's burger, but I mean... those patties are so non-existent, maybe that's why I was able to stomach it ;). Also, lately while being sick I lost my sense of smell. Which was a blessing and a curse. I didn't have to deal with strong odors that make me sick, but I can't taste anything and that makes eating a nightmare. Nothing tastes good which upsets my stomach. Plus, while sick I've felt like my stomach contents have been rotting, and I have a horrid taste in my mouth that I can't get rid of. I can chew gum, brush my teeth, drink water, swish with mouth wash and it only gets rid of the taste for maybe a minute tops. I think it's my body over reacting like my sense of smell normally would, only with my taste. It's my saliva that tastes rank. I don't know why, but it does. It's been getting better as I've been getting over my cold but it's not completely back to normal yet.
After I pick Mikey up today at 4 we're going to go register for our wedding :) How exciting!
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