I have been wanting to have a "movie night" with Mikey for a little while now, but he always seems to make plans to play CoD before I pick him up from work. The last couple nights I've asked him after he had plans, so last night I asked him while we were in bed if I could have a movie night tonight. He laughed at me but told me yes.
So he bought some Xbox Live points and we rented Megamind off the 360. I made ramen for dinner while he was getting it all set up. Michael had a strawberry jelly sandwich and a bottle of milk. We started the movie and had a hard time hearing it a couple of times as Michael would play his little xylophone or ride his pony which sings, but he was super cute. Until a little over half way through the movie when he got really fussy and I knew it was time for him to go to bed. So I scooped him up and let Mike give him kisses then I plopped him in bed. He didn't fight it (he doesn't really fight it unless people are over) and I returned to the living room. Mike got a phone call while the movie was still paused and helped I believe Missy out with some computer issues. Then we continued our movie.
I LOVED the movie Megamind. I've been dying to see it for quite a while now, i.e. when it came out. This ended up being a great night! This might end up being a movie that I need to buy now. ;) Oh, also, I loved how Carbuncle (my male siamese cat) decided to curl up in my lap at the very end of the movie, you know where the credits are playing instead of anytime during the movie when he could have stayed in my lap for a long time.
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