March 08, 2011
My soon to be Mother In Law (MIL) Lori called me to tell me about my soon to be Brother In Law (BIL) getting into the Army. Now I will be honest and I will tell you right now, I had no idea what she was talking about when she told me, because she gave me specifics and I really know nothing about the Army. She explained it to me, (Congrats Matt!) and then we talked about other things.
Then, randomly out of the blue? She told me she had a dream last night about how I had another little boy, with dark hair instead of red hair (my son has red hair). I asked her if that meant she thought I was pregnant and she told me that she didn't think so. She said that Michael looked like he was about three or four years old in her dream. I reminded her that most people who met Michael thought he looked like he was at least a year and a half already and he was only ten months. She reassured me that he was three or four years old in her dream though. I laughed and told her that it sounded good to me, that I wanted another little one around then anyways.
March 09, 2011
My period is a day and a half late. A day late, normal, a day and a half late might be normal too, but I'm way to impatient to find out! After the phone call from MIL Lori and my previously randomly deciding to look at my estimated due date just for fun, I decided to take a home pregnancy test (hpt). Okay, so I had been extremely tired lately and my boobs were really sore as well... So at 3:25 pm I took the hpt and quickly shoved it back in the little wrapper it came in. For this test, you had to wait 2 minutes for results, and were not supposed to look at it after 10 minutes. So, when the 2 minutes were up I looked and saw a really faint second line! Almost anyone you ask will say that a line is a line, and I had a line!
Think back to yesterday's conversation with my MIL:
-MIL - Daughter In Law Guess what?
-Me - What?
-MIL - You're Pregnant!!
- Me - :jaw draw: Oh my gosh I am!
Sometimes, it feels like that's how it went, really!
So now what do I get to do? I get to tell Mike that his Mom was right, that she will be seeing another grand-baby in her future soon. What better way to tell your honey bunny that you are pregnant again than popping the surprise while he's showering. Michael was chilling in his crib, so I sneaked into the bathroom where Mike was and let him know. Let's just pretend it went like this:
-Me - "Hey Mikey? I have a great idea for your birthday this year!"
-Mike- "Oh?"
-Me- "Let's have a party in the Labor and Delivery room 2 days later!"
-Mike- "Oh!"
Really though, he said he had a feeling I was pregnant again. Aside from being a little concerned financially, he said that babies are blessings. Then he had to go to work. He proceeded to tell me that he was going to "Complain" to Eric about it as Eric could understand because his wife Bry is also pregnant.
Of course, as soon as I found out he told Eric, I had to tell Bry! It is so exciting to have someone I know in person to be pregnant with at the same time! Granted she's about 2 months farther along than I am, we are both all kinds of excited. Of course, since Mike and Eric work together and would be talking about it, it was only fair to tell our other friend and their co-worker Rob that we were also pregnant.
There was one more person I had to tell. This one was a little bit harder, because she is one of my Mom's best friends and naturally I would rather tell my Mom first and let her spread all the wonderful news, but I have Fibromyalgia and have had a prescription for it for almost a year. So I had to message her and ask her if I could still take the medicine, (I stopped taking it as soon as I found out and she replied the next day) and she told me I needed to stop because it was a Class D medicine. The wonderful thing though, since getting pregnant again (The pain started not long after giving birth last year) is that the pain has actually gone away. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but I'm grateful not to be dealing with the pain.
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