The morning of our wedding, I got up and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, Mike woke up (or got out of bed) and took his shower and Missy came and knocked on the door to make sure we were awake. I was a little surprised she didn't hear the blow dryer a couple minutes before. I guess it's not as loud as I thought it was. I went and grabbed Michael and stuck him in the shower with Mike, then left to go get a towel and do some other things. I got back just as Mike and Michael were getting out and I took Michael in his towel.
Now, I don't remember how this all worked, but Mike was somehow ahead of me and in our tiny little "hallway" between our bedroom and attached bathroom and I was next to the sink with Michael. We needed to trade places so I could take Michael to the bed and put the diaper I had waiting for him on. Well, seconds before Mike and I traded places he had a bit of gas. Normally, Mike is a weird alien that has gas that doesn't stink. It's all the sound, but no smell, which is nice, but this time as I passed him, I walked right into and through the foulest smelling gas bubble (okay so I've smelled worse, it was just bad). It took me by surprise, but I figured whatever, it's not the worst I've ever dealt with and I can handle it. I was wrong, I stood there a couple steps inside the room struggling not to get sick. I believe Mike asked me if I was okay, and what was wrong, but I couldn't give him a real answer. I finally yelled at him to hurry up and take Michael. Then yelled at him to get there faster. Poor Mike didn't know what was going on and as soon as he was close enough, I handed Michael to him and I ran for the bathroom.
I made it, and I heaved, and puked a little bit, but I hadn't eaten anything yet so there wasn't much there. At one point between the heaves I told him that Michael had a diaper on the bed. When I was done and cleaned up enough not to fall over, I took Michael out to the living room and sat down on the couch with a still partially tear stained face. (For those of you who haven't puked in forever, I automatically tear up when I puke and actually all the liquids on my face just seem to pour). Missy asked what was wrong and I told her the story. I ended up telling everyone the story, because really, it was kind of really funny. What a wonderful way to start off your wedding day right?
We scurried around and finally left to get to the Mansion where our wedding was being held. We had to stop and get gas and we were a little later than I had planned on getting there. It was awesome to see my Mom, Johanna and my sister Sharon waiting there for me! Johanna's good friend Samantha was there as well, who I'd met once but I had forgot that I had met her. She was our photographer and oh my goodness, her pictures are a dream come true! (I'll add a couple of the preview ones she sent me)
After saying hello to everyone, I shooed everyone out of my chapel room to get ready. I got my slip on most of the way and while I could feel that it would close and still fit (the only piece of my outfit I was concerned that might not fit after being pregnant) I couldn't zip it up all the way by myself. So, I put the corset so it covered up my top half and held it on while I asked just Johanna (my Maid of Honor) to come help me. She came in and got the slip done up then started to help with the corset. She commented on the many snap hooks it had and I commented on the massive amount of boob it produced. She commented on that too when I turned around. Having the underclothes on I sent someone in search of Mom so she could help with my wedding dress.
When Mom came in, she also commented on the massive amount of boob. I offered her some, because honestly, I didn't know what I was going to do with all of it! Once we got my dress on though, everything looked lots better and I wasn't afraid that I'd pop out of my dress. Mom was helping set up decorations still and disappeared while I put my make up on. After the make up was on I went to put my tiara and veil on. Johanna tried to help, but neither of us could get it on right. It kept sliding up and popping off my head. So we got Mom back and she had the magic touch!
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Mom putting my tiara and veil on. I love this picture! |
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Mom tying my bow. |
We finished getting ready and the girls cleaned up all the stuff out of the chapel changing room. It was time to get things started. Johanna and I walked into the Greenhouse where the reception was going to be, I scurried quickly because I saw Mike out in front of the mansion and as I hadn't let him see my dress at all, I didn't want him to see it moments before the wedding. He didn't see me and everyone got ready to walk down the aisle. Johanna and Matt pulled Michael down the aisle in his little red wagon. Apparently everyone loved it and he had a great time. I can't wait to see the video of it. This is an amazing picture that Samantha got of him though, he's peeking around my dress.
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Michael, my son, my ring bearer! |
Dad and I waited inside the mansion until it was time for us to come outside. We walked outside and down the mansion stairs to get to the walkway we needed to be at. I told Dad that I needed him to support me, and he said he was hoping to have my support. I told him I was in heels, and we laughed. I'm such a clutz. Luckily, no one fell.
Then, it was time to walk down the aisle, so Dad and I walked through the gate and around the corner where everyone could see us. It was neat to see everyone who came, and to see how pretty everything was. Mom and Seanie (Raini's girlfriend) decorated the gazebo and had put fake flower petals all around in the colors I had chose for the ribbons on my centerpieces. That would be orange, green and purple. We got to the end and Dad handed me to Mike. We got up there and Mom gave me my real Mom's wedding rings. I didn't bawl like I thought I would. I think I was just too happy with how everything turned out.
Mike and I turned and faced each other even though I think now that we were supposed to be facing Wonil. Wonil talked about how he had Mike and I write to him about each other and how whatever we said could be used against us. He then continued to read exactly what we wrote, the entire thing! I wasn't expecting that and was a little embarrassed. I wished I could have wrote something better. This is what I wrote:
"How we met
Mike and I met through friends, we all used to get together and play Magic the Gathering, and once in a while we'd have a drink too. We were casual friends until Mike and his roommates moved into a new apartment. They needed a new roommate and my friend invited me to move in, knowing I was ready to move back to the OC after living at home for 3 months. Mike and the other roommate had already told Missy (Mike's sister) that she could move in. Both of us ended up moving in, and we had 5 people in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment. It was pretty cramped, but it worked out okay. Mike and I ended up getting together, even though he had a no dating rule. He hadn't dated in years, and was never planning on getting married, or having kids. Now look at him! A year later, after Missy, Mike and I moved into our own apartment, Mike and I were still dating, and I ended up pregnant. Not only that, but before we had found out about the baby, Mike and I had been talking about getting married!
How he proposed
August 29, 2009
I had a prenatal appointment and had gone to a doctors appointment, Missy and Mike had gone out shopping. When I got home from my doctors appointment, they were still out and I had no idea where they were or what they were doing, but I didn't feel very good and enjoyed having the house to myself for a little bit. When they came home they were talking about going to Disneyland, since it was one of the only days all three of us could go before our season passes expired. Due to my not feeling well, I declined Disneyland. We finally settled on going to the movies, and all throughout all of the discussions, Missy had let me know that if I just wanted it to be Mikey and I that it was okay, she could stay home, but that just confused me and I told her she should come too. When we got home from the movies, Missy went to her room and Mike told me he had some work to do on his computer so I sat down on the couch and played some games. A while later Mike asked me to come look at his work and tell him what I thought, that was normal. What wasn't normal was that when I got up there he wanted me to sit in his chair and watch a movie. I couldn't figure out what was going on, where was his work? He hit play and words popped up on the screen they said, "Ash, you know I love you" in big red 3D letters, then they disappeared and the words " Will you Marry Me?" popped up onto the screen. An engagement ring flew up underneath the words. It took me a good minute to realize what was going on as I watched the whole movie loop a couple of times. The movie was only 3 seconds long, and when I turned around Mike was down on one knee with the ring that had been on the screen. Of course I said yes! The ring was perfect too, it was small and artsy not big and gaudy!
Why I like Mike
Time for the fun and sappy stuff right? Whenever I need someone to talk to, he is always there for me. He has a tough guy attitude, and is often times a bit rough and tough, but he's really sweet and kind to me. He's honest, and sometimes brutally so, but I know that he is always going to tell the truth, which is something not many people will do. He'll tell me the truth even if he knows it will upset me and he does that, but sometimes he can break it to me easy which I appreciate. He is protective of me, and while once in a while it has confused me, I overall enjoy it. He's cocky and confident and I love his drive. I love his smile because it makes me light up, I love his eyes because they share so much with me even when words can't or don't. Mike loves me like I have never been loved. There is so much that I love about Mikey and I just don't know how to put it into words at all, but I love him more than he could ever imagine no matter how much he might think he can imagine, I love him even more than that. He is an amazing friend, lover, soon to be husband, and an amazing father to our son.
I am excited that I get to live the rest of my life with him, knowing him the way I know him and knowing his love for his family.
Errrr that's all I can think of at the moment lol Is this good?"
Mike and I met through friends, we all used to get together and play Magic the Gathering, and once in a while we'd have a drink too. We were casual friends until Mike and his roommates moved into a new apartment. They needed a new roommate and my friend invited me to move in, knowing I was ready to move back to the OC after living at home for 3 months. Mike and the other roommate had already told Missy (Mike's sister) that she could move in. Both of us ended up moving in, and we had 5 people in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment. It was pretty cramped, but it worked out okay. Mike and I ended up getting together, even though he had a no dating rule. He hadn't dated in years, and was never planning on getting married, or having kids. Now look at him! A year later, after Missy, Mike and I moved into our own apartment, Mike and I were still dating, and I ended up pregnant. Not only that, but before we had found out about the baby, Mike and I had been talking about getting married!
How he proposed
August 29, 2009
I had a prenatal appointment and had gone to a doctors appointment, Missy and Mike had gone out shopping. When I got home from my doctors appointment, they were still out and I had no idea where they were or what they were doing, but I didn't feel very good and enjoyed having the house to myself for a little bit. When they came home they were talking about going to Disneyland, since it was one of the only days all three of us could go before our season passes expired. Due to my not feeling well, I declined Disneyland. We finally settled on going to the movies, and all throughout all of the discussions, Missy had let me know that if I just wanted it to be Mikey and I that it was okay, she could stay home, but that just confused me and I told her she should come too. When we got home from the movies, Missy went to her room and Mike told me he had some work to do on his computer so I sat down on the couch and played some games. A while later Mike asked me to come look at his work and tell him what I thought, that was normal. What wasn't normal was that when I got up there he wanted me to sit in his chair and watch a movie. I couldn't figure out what was going on, where was his work? He hit play and words popped up on the screen they said, "Ash, you know I love you" in big red 3D letters, then they disappeared and the words " Will you Marry Me?" popped up onto the screen. An engagement ring flew up underneath the words. It took me a good minute to realize what was going on as I watched the whole movie loop a couple of times. The movie was only 3 seconds long, and when I turned around Mike was down on one knee with the ring that had been on the screen. Of course I said yes! The ring was perfect too, it was small and artsy not big and gaudy!
Why I like Mike
Time for the fun and sappy stuff right? Whenever I need someone to talk to, he is always there for me. He has a tough guy attitude, and is often times a bit rough and tough, but he's really sweet and kind to me. He's honest, and sometimes brutally so, but I know that he is always going to tell the truth, which is something not many people will do. He'll tell me the truth even if he knows it will upset me and he does that, but sometimes he can break it to me easy which I appreciate. He is protective of me, and while once in a while it has confused me, I overall enjoy it. He's cocky and confident and I love his drive. I love his smile because it makes me light up, I love his eyes because they share so much with me even when words can't or don't. Mike loves me like I have never been loved. There is so much that I love about Mikey and I just don't know how to put it into words at all, but I love him more than he could ever imagine no matter how much he might think he can imagine, I love him even more than that. He is an amazing friend, lover, soon to be husband, and an amazing father to our son.
I am excited that I get to live the rest of my life with him, knowing him the way I know him and knowing his love for his family.
Errrr that's all I can think of at the moment lol Is this good?"
He responded, "Yes, Ashley. That is very good." Then he proceeded to read Mikes:
"Where to begin,
Ash and I met through a mutual friend. Officially we where part of the same geek cult if you will, we gathered and played magic from night till we where late for class the next day. But our true story didn't really start until we moved in together. Funny as it may be I was acting as a mediator between her and her ex who still had feelings for her. After this was resolved she began pursuing me even though I had made it clear I did not partake in relationships. I eventually fell for her relentless feminine wiles which I later discovered was the best "trip" I have taken.
After living together for about 2 years I started to plan proposing, then one morning she came to me crying saying she was pregnant I was half asleep and just said, "Ok, lets just go back to sleep nothing we can do about it now." At the time I was tired and I don't like to see her cry. This kicked my proposal into 5th gear.
For a couple weeks I tried to get her to go to Disney where i had planed to propose during the fireworks, but for the life of me I could not get her to go. So in an act of desperation I prepared a short 3d animation of a falling then spinning ring with the words "Marry me" appearing. While she watched I was knelt behind her with the ring.
Ash and I where destined or designed to be together, we shared many of the same joys and passions. I love that we have so much in common because i believe it strengthens us if I go hang out with friends I can bring my family because we like the same things. This makes it great when I go play cards cause she plays to. I feel that I am blissfully happy with Ash and cannot see myself without her. Her and our son Michael are my best friends and I would have it no other way."
Ash and I met through a mutual friend. Officially we where part of the same geek cult if you will, we gathered and played magic from night till we where late for class the next day. But our true story didn't really start until we moved in together. Funny as it may be I was acting as a mediator between her and her ex who still had feelings for her. After this was resolved she began pursuing me even though I had made it clear I did not partake in relationships. I eventually fell for her relentless feminine wiles which I later discovered was the best "trip" I have taken.
After living together for about 2 years I started to plan proposing, then one morning she came to me crying saying she was pregnant I was half asleep and just said, "Ok, lets just go back to sleep nothing we can do about it now." At the time I was tired and I don't like to see her cry. This kicked my proposal into 5th gear.
For a couple weeks I tried to get her to go to Disney where i had planed to propose during the fireworks, but for the life of me I could not get her to go. So in an act of desperation I prepared a short 3d animation of a falling then spinning ring with the words "Marry me" appearing. While she watched I was knelt behind her with the ring.
Ash and I where destined or designed to be together, we shared many of the same joys and passions. I love that we have so much in common because i believe it strengthens us if I go hang out with friends I can bring my family because we like the same things. This makes it great when I go play cards cause she plays to. I feel that I am blissfully happy with Ash and cannot see myself without her. Her and our son Michael are my best friends and I would have it no other way."
At one point he commented on how he's done many weddings, but that Mike had to be the first person he knew who proposed behind the girl. Then he continued on with his speech. After that, he read the vows and Mike, then I said, "I do." We kissed, and turned towards everyone. I took my flowers back from Johanna and we walked out.
Apparently the ceremony only lasted 28 minutes according to Missy, but I could hardly walk down the aisle my feet were so sore from being in heels. (Technically they are wedges, but I was still standing on my toes!) The wedding party proceeded into the mansion, while the guests went into the Greenhouse. I sent someone for my sandals so I wouldn't die, and sent everyone else back out to the Gazebo for family pictures. Mike and I took a couple pictures inside, and then joined everyone outside for the family/bridal party pictures. These are some that I have access to right now.
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Bridal Party. Johanna, Me, Mike, Matt |
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Family. Raini, Ron, Linda, Me, Mike, Michael, Lori, John, Missy, Matt |
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Mike and I laughing because Michael has a grip on my flowers, he ripped a couple sadly. |
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Mike and I as Husband and Wife! <3 |
After the pictures, we proceeded to the Greenhouse. We ended up waiting outside for a little while wondering if we were supposed to just walk in or be introduced. I don't remember if we were introduced or not, but in we went and sat down. Wonil said a blessing, and we ate. Mike and I were served, and then the banquet lady dismissed table by table to go get their plates of sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad and green salad. It was wonderful looking, but I wasn't really able to eat. I did eat a little bit though and it tasted very yummy. Mike and I also got a complimentary drink from the bar. He had a beer and I had a coke. Missy and Alex both bought Mike another beer (Missy actually got Mike one before the mansion did) and Alex also bought me another Coke.
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Table Settings, Lovely flowers and skittles by Nancy! |
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Reception lunch in the Greenhouse |
The servers came around and filled up our glasses with champagne or sparkling cider and of course I got the cider. I don't even like champagne if I even wanted it. Missy, Matt, Johanna, and my Mom all got up at one point and made a toast to us. I got teary eyed, especially with Missy's.
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Server pouring Matt Champagne |
Then it was time for Mike and I to cut the cake. That was a tad embarrassing. I didn't know how to cut it! I got help and Mike and I finally cut into the cake. I needed help again at this point because I couldn't get the slice of cake out. The servers helped us, and I realized how simple it should have been. Mike got a huge bite on his fork and made me nervous. In my opinion it was something Mike would do to smash cake all over my face. I tried to get a big piece on my fork in case I needed to retaliate, but I ended up mashing the cake up into goop before giving up. We fed each other the cake and he was sweet with it. I was a bit surprised, but totally okay with not having cake everywhere!
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My Springy Wedding Cake |
We sat back down and the servers served everyone cake. The top 2 layers were Raspberry Victorian, which was amazing and the bottom layer was a Chocolate Turtle. That was yummy as well, but I preferred the Raspberry Victorian.
Next to my plate of cake, I had a stock pile of red skittles that Johanna had been stock piling for me. You see, Raini and Missy's table (they were sitting closest to the head table) had got a bit wet from the condensation on their glasses and had soaked a lot of skittles, so they were stealing them off of the head table. The only problem I had with that, was they were stealing all the red ones! The red ones were my favorite and I wanted a couple! Sadly, halfway through eating my cake, I noticed that our family was going outside to do 4 generation pictures. I didn't know if that meant I was supposed to go out or not, so I did. I never got back into the greenhouse. I was outside for the rest of the time taking pictures.
Everyone started to leave because it was getting late. We all said our goodbyes to those leaving. Then, Sharon had to leave. She had flown in earlier that day from AZ just to come to my wedding. She needed to be back to the airport by 5 but she couldn't find her bag. Everyone searched for it. At one point, Dad noticed that his truck had been broken into. Someone had punched his lock in on the drivers side. Dad's truck doesn't need to be opened with the keys, so he didn't even notice it right away. Sharon's bag had been stolen. As far as I know, things were never really resolved, but Sharon got to the airport and got back to AZ which was good. I'm sorry about your bag Sharon, and your car Dad!
Aside from the stolen bag and broke in truck. It was a wonderful day and it was better than I could have ever imagined. I am so happy to finally be married to Mike, and to have his last name!
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