Last night as Mike and I headed to bed, I used the restroom before going to bed. Once out of the bathroom and near the bed I realized I was wet. I waddled back to the bathroom to see if I had wet myself or if I had broke my water. I believe I wet myself, but I wasn't sure. I waddled back to bed after changing, I hadn't wet myself much if that's what it was. I told Mike that if it was my water we should know soon, and we went to sleep.
Michael woke up crying at some point in the night, I don't remember when. We consoled him and he went back to sleep after a good while. Poor little man. Then it was back to bed after another bathroom break.
I woke up again at 5 am needing to use the restroom, so I went. Then I stayed on the toilet and trickled fluid for about 5 minutes. I finally got a pad and stuffed it in place before turning on my computer to research about your water breaking. I had a high leak last time with Michael and I thought maybe my water broke with another high leak. I was having contractions of some kind, I believe they were braxton hicks, but there were one or two that were very slightly painful. About 20 minutes later at 5:24am I felt like I had to pee again. So, off to the bathroom I went. I "peed" but I couldn't tell if I was actually peeing or if it was a collection of water that managed to leak out from the high leak again. While still using the bathroom, Michael woke up crying and screamed, "Mama!" Mike woke up and noticed me missing and called for me too. I let him know I was in the bathroom, and then I went to check on Michael.
Michael got up out of bed and headed for the door (of the bedroom) I shut the door not wanting to chase him through the house, but that made him scream and cry so I opened it up. He stood right outside in the hallway next to the bathroom (which still had a light on) and said, "Water?" as he looked in there. I told him that yes, there was water running (still going in the toilet) and then he looked at me and asked, "Peepee?" Seeing his diaper wasn't wet I told him that I had indeed gone peepee. He accepted that and then looked out the hallway and said, "Vroom Vroom?" I agreed that our vroom vroom was out there. We continued to talk about the vroom vroom and when that didn't get us anywhere, he told me "Outside!" I told him it was "night night" and that we didn't go outside at night. He didn't want to accept that. I finally asked him if he'd like another baba and when he agreed, I got his bottle from the room while he stood in the hallway. He walked with me into the kitchen and his face lit up right away when he saw the keys to my car. He grabbed them and insisted that we go outside to the vroom vroom. I poured his bottle for him and knowing he wanted it, I asked him if I could have the keys. He gave me the keys as I gave him the bottle. I picked him up and took him to bed with me. He laid down between Mike and I and passed out for the rest of the night. (Oh and as for the reason I believe he woke up the first time, I think he was having gas pains, because as we were standing in the kitchen there were quite a few long toots).
Then, at 7am this morning, I got a phone call from Lori, almost sounding panicked asking me what was wrong. Granted, the panic in her voice I think was from the way I sounded when I answered... very groggy and sleep. Apparently, my phone called her and she barely missed the call and she called back immediately. I told her there was no way my phone could have called her as it was on the night stand next to me, the cats weren't scurrying about they were curled up asleep and Michael was sound asleep between Mike and I. My phone has no record of it calling her, but I heard her tell John that I didn't call her. There was a bit of confusion among all of us over that, but whatever. Then at 7:07am I heard a woman's voice say, "Ash?" I jumped and looked behind me to see who was standing there, but no one was there, so I looked out the window that was right at my head to see who was there and no one was there. Neither Mike or Michael stirred though so I know they didn't hear it. It took me a good minute to realize that I must be that exhausted, but I'll tell you, it tripped me out. It was very realistic.
I finally got back to bed and slept in and out until it was time to get up. Then Mike and Michael went to the auction and looked around, while I napped some more to get some good rest after a very weird night!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Raging Hormones or Raging Whore Moans?
Now, my hormones might have raged last pregnancy, but this pregnancy I have really noticed it. Not only do my emotions go up and down and all around spinning me in circles until I have no idea which direction I'm supposed to go, but my body is all out of whack too. I have to tell you, I get hot flashes from bloody hell!
A normal day in the life of Mike and Ash, Mike is hot and Ash is usually fairly cool. At the very least, Mike is usually warmer than Ash. Now, add in Ash's pregnancy hormones and see how it goes:
A) Ash is boiling up, and Mike is just fine
B) Ash is boiling up and Mike looks at her funny because he is rather cool
C) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is just fine
D) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is boiling hot
I think that about covers it for the options we have. I'm almost never at a good temperature and I'm almost always sweating. It's only at night when I go to sleep that I freeze... not true actually. Today when my car got took to the shop because it was making bad noises that had to do with the breaks, Mike and I walked to Denny's (Michael got left with Nana because I was afraid to take him in a car when it was making such horrible noises and I didn't want to break down with him in the car with us) and I was so sweaty it was ridiculous, then we walked into Denny's and after I minute I was freezing. I don't think it was actually even cold in there! I was a bit upset because I was wanting to indulge in a nice Strawberry Cheesecake milkshake that they were advertising. I did anyways and it was yummy, I was just angry that I was so cold for no reason. As soon as we left though I started sweating again, yuck! But yeah, I froze at Denny's when I normally only freeze in bed. Which even then, I wake up with no covers on and I'm all roasty toasty.
Now, there's one other thing I can think of to tell you. I started typing this hours ago but had to go lay down due to not feeling very good.
That would be the title of this, and a story to go with it. While at Denny's complaining to Mike about my temperature and stupid pregnancy hormones, he laughed and said yeah, pregnancy hormones. I laughed with him, then he said, "No wait, I don't think you got it." He pulled out his phone and typed out "whore moans" and showed it to me. I laughed, then I apologized. I also told him I felt like I should be offended, but I knew that's not what it was meant to be and that I wasn't because of how well I knew him. He told me he thought it would make me laugh, which it did. Then, I thought of a night not too long ago which the "whore moans" applies perfectly.
You see, my computer got a virus. I'm not sure what I did to get a virus, which is frustrating, but it happened. Mikey was sitting at my computer trying to fix it, Michael was in bed and I was sitting next to Mike. Well, having a runny nose and not feeling the best at the time I took some Benadryl, which was fine, except for the fact that I had been planning on staying up with Mike for a while, while he worked on my computer. The thing is, Benadryl knocks me out. Within 15 minutes, which felt more like 5, I could barely keep my head up or my eyes open. We moved to Mikes computer so he could look something up and I was having a hard time staying awake. I needed Mike to move Michael out of our bed and into his bed because I didn't trust myself to carry him while I was so drowsy. I couldn't get in bed with Michael there because he was laying on my side of the bed surrounded by my pregnancy body pillow.
Well, Mike was still working on the computers while I kept startling myself awake. I finally started talking, and Mike said he'd get Michael in just a minute. Finally after what felt like forever, Mike turned off his computer, left mine running a scan and we went to bed. I crawled in bed still talking to Mike, but Mike wasn't really responding. Something happened, I don't remember what, but I ended up waking Michael up because I wasn't whispering in the nice quiet voice that I thought I was. I also found out that I wasn't talking, I was bitching and moaning about everything that was wrong with me at the moment, and I had repeated myself several times. Worse than that, I had gotten louder every time I repeated myself and I had no idea. Mike laughed a bit annoyed, and told me that he had never ever heard me bitch and complain like that and I had no idea about any of it. I didn't even realize that I was complaining or anything, I thought I was just having a normal conversation.
Now it's just something silly that we laugh about!
A normal day in the life of Mike and Ash, Mike is hot and Ash is usually fairly cool. At the very least, Mike is usually warmer than Ash. Now, add in Ash's pregnancy hormones and see how it goes:
A) Ash is boiling up, and Mike is just fine
B) Ash is boiling up and Mike looks at her funny because he is rather cool
C) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is just fine
D) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is boiling hot
I think that about covers it for the options we have. I'm almost never at a good temperature and I'm almost always sweating. It's only at night when I go to sleep that I freeze... not true actually. Today when my car got took to the shop because it was making bad noises that had to do with the breaks, Mike and I walked to Denny's (Michael got left with Nana because I was afraid to take him in a car when it was making such horrible noises and I didn't want to break down with him in the car with us) and I was so sweaty it was ridiculous, then we walked into Denny's and after I minute I was freezing. I don't think it was actually even cold in there! I was a bit upset because I was wanting to indulge in a nice Strawberry Cheesecake milkshake that they were advertising. I did anyways and it was yummy, I was just angry that I was so cold for no reason. As soon as we left though I started sweating again, yuck! But yeah, I froze at Denny's when I normally only freeze in bed. Which even then, I wake up with no covers on and I'm all roasty toasty.
Now, there's one other thing I can think of to tell you. I started typing this hours ago but had to go lay down due to not feeling very good.
That would be the title of this, and a story to go with it. While at Denny's complaining to Mike about my temperature and stupid pregnancy hormones, he laughed and said yeah, pregnancy hormones. I laughed with him, then he said, "No wait, I don't think you got it." He pulled out his phone and typed out "whore moans" and showed it to me. I laughed, then I apologized. I also told him I felt like I should be offended, but I knew that's not what it was meant to be and that I wasn't because of how well I knew him. He told me he thought it would make me laugh, which it did. Then, I thought of a night not too long ago which the "whore moans" applies perfectly.
You see, my computer got a virus. I'm not sure what I did to get a virus, which is frustrating, but it happened. Mikey was sitting at my computer trying to fix it, Michael was in bed and I was sitting next to Mike. Well, having a runny nose and not feeling the best at the time I took some Benadryl, which was fine, except for the fact that I had been planning on staying up with Mike for a while, while he worked on my computer. The thing is, Benadryl knocks me out. Within 15 minutes, which felt more like 5, I could barely keep my head up or my eyes open. We moved to Mikes computer so he could look something up and I was having a hard time staying awake. I needed Mike to move Michael out of our bed and into his bed because I didn't trust myself to carry him while I was so drowsy. I couldn't get in bed with Michael there because he was laying on my side of the bed surrounded by my pregnancy body pillow.
Well, Mike was still working on the computers while I kept startling myself awake. I finally started talking, and Mike said he'd get Michael in just a minute. Finally after what felt like forever, Mike turned off his computer, left mine running a scan and we went to bed. I crawled in bed still talking to Mike, but Mike wasn't really responding. Something happened, I don't remember what, but I ended up waking Michael up because I wasn't whispering in the nice quiet voice that I thought I was. I also found out that I wasn't talking, I was bitching and moaning about everything that was wrong with me at the moment, and I had repeated myself several times. Worse than that, I had gotten louder every time I repeated myself and I had no idea. Mike laughed a bit annoyed, and told me that he had never ever heard me bitch and complain like that and I had no idea about any of it. I didn't even realize that I was complaining or anything, I thought I was just having a normal conversation.
Now it's just something silly that we laugh about!
Braxton Hicks Make You Poo
Seriously, I'm writing about this. Maybe not a lot, but I had to throw a little something on here about it! I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks (BH) contractions lately and sometimes I can't move because my stomach is so rock hard, but I get through them just fine. The only "pain" that comes with them is the "ouchmystomachjustturnedintoarock" pain of it being too tight. Nothing else, well except when Jace moves randomly while I'm contracting like that.
I usually only get BH when I walk around a lot, or when I haven't walked very much that day and I start walking a little bit. So just walking makes me contract I guess. Last pregnancy, I had a hard time using the restroom, but this pregnancy once I start contracting with BH I need to find a restroom not long afterwards. It's ridiculous, but true. Braxton hicks make you poo. That's all there is too it! My only job is to make sure I make it to the toilet quick enough. It's silly, a little bit gross, but all true.
I usually only get BH when I walk around a lot, or when I haven't walked very much that day and I start walking a little bit. So just walking makes me contract I guess. Last pregnancy, I had a hard time using the restroom, but this pregnancy once I start contracting with BH I need to find a restroom not long afterwards. It's ridiculous, but true. Braxton hicks make you poo. That's all there is too it! My only job is to make sure I make it to the toilet quick enough. It's silly, a little bit gross, but all true.
35+ Weeks And A Birthday
So just a couple of days ago I hit my 35/35! Which means I'm at another great milestone in this pregnancy! That day I was 35 weeks pregnant and only had 35 more days to go until my due date. Now, I'm sure everyone is sick of me saying it as I posted it a couple of different places on that day. Which was also my 26th birthday, October 11, 2011.
Here is my picture from 35 weeks:
The night before my birthday Mikey's family and I went to Red Robin's and we had dinner there. It was yummy and I got magic cards from Mikey, a new pajama set with Eeyore on them from Lori and John and money to put towards a camera lens I wanted from Matt and Missy.
The camera lens I bought on my birthday. It's a 50mm f1.4 lens and I love it. Now I just need to get used to using it as I've always used the kit lens on my camera for many years.
Here is my picture from 35 weeks:
The night before my birthday Mikey's family and I went to Red Robin's and we had dinner there. It was yummy and I got magic cards from Mikey, a new pajama set with Eeyore on them from Lori and John and money to put towards a camera lens I wanted from Matt and Missy.
The camera lens I bought on my birthday. It's a 50mm f1.4 lens and I love it. Now I just need to get used to using it as I've always used the kit lens on my camera for many years.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
31 Weeks and no Room to Go!
Yesterday, I hit 31 weeks! I can't believe there are only about 9 weeks left until Jace arrives. I'm pretty excited, but at the same time can't believe I'm going to get bigger than I am. Here is my 31 week picture!
Not the most flattering shot, but you know? Who cares, haha. See where my upper hand is? Jace usually wedges himself up in there on my right side into my ribs. I can barely sit sometimes because of how well he wedges himself in there and this has been happening for about the last two weeks.
Also, I am so sore that I can hardly get out of bed. It is so lame when I have to pee in the middle of the night multiple times and the pain from getting up out of bed is almost enough to make me cry. I think most of the pain is a combination of pregnancy pains and my fibromyalgia combined. I had lower back pain before I got pregnant from it, and it went away for a good while when I got pregnant again, but now it's back with a vengeance! I don't know how on Earth I am going to get around as I grow bigger with Jace. I enjoy every little kick with him though.
I'm pretty excited too, Babies R Us is having a special, which they have every so often, where if you bring in used baby gear you can get 25% off new gear. Only one piece applies to each new purchase though, so no doubling up on the same item sadly. I am going to trade in my stroller (which I totally love) for a new double stroller, a Sit-N-Stand DX Stroller by Baby Trend. This stroller has a front seat like a normal stroller and then a platform and a platform seat in the back where the older child can either sit down and ride or stand on the platform and ride standing. This will separate Michael and Jace so that Michael doesn't accidentally smother or bash his little brother while riding next to him in side by side double strollers. Plus, as much as I love my single stroller, what's the point in keeping it when I need a double and Michael isn't quite big enough to walk everywhere with us yet, and this way he can still ride?
I also just got my car back tonight after it overheated and ruined some of my parts. It cost $800 to fix, and took 4 days for them to fix it. It was a long 4 days without a car! It's okay though since I'm too sore to go anywhere. :/
Well, that's it for now!
![]() |
31 Weeks 0 Days with Jace! |
Also, I am so sore that I can hardly get out of bed. It is so lame when I have to pee in the middle of the night multiple times and the pain from getting up out of bed is almost enough to make me cry. I think most of the pain is a combination of pregnancy pains and my fibromyalgia combined. I had lower back pain before I got pregnant from it, and it went away for a good while when I got pregnant again, but now it's back with a vengeance! I don't know how on Earth I am going to get around as I grow bigger with Jace. I enjoy every little kick with him though.
I'm pretty excited too, Babies R Us is having a special, which they have every so often, where if you bring in used baby gear you can get 25% off new gear. Only one piece applies to each new purchase though, so no doubling up on the same item sadly. I am going to trade in my stroller (which I totally love) for a new double stroller, a Sit-N-Stand DX Stroller by Baby Trend. This stroller has a front seat like a normal stroller and then a platform and a platform seat in the back where the older child can either sit down and ride or stand on the platform and ride standing. This will separate Michael and Jace so that Michael doesn't accidentally smother or bash his little brother while riding next to him in side by side double strollers. Plus, as much as I love my single stroller, what's the point in keeping it when I need a double and Michael isn't quite big enough to walk everywhere with us yet, and this way he can still ride?
I also just got my car back tonight after it overheated and ruined some of my parts. It cost $800 to fix, and took 4 days for them to fix it. It was a long 4 days without a car! It's okay though since I'm too sore to go anywhere. :/
Well, that's it for now!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Where are you sandman?
Lately I haven't been able to sleep. Half the time Mike can't sleep either. I have no idea why it is, but I really hate it. Okay, well I know that insomnia is a "symptom" of pregnancy, but is that why I can't sleep? I'm so tired that half the time I don't know if I even make sense. I wake up with Michael and try to nap if he takes a nap early enough, but when Mike is watching him and I do nap, I still don't get enough sleep to satisfy my body.
I'm tired, I'm sleepy and I have heartburn... and did I mention that I'm exhausted? I thought I should write about how tired I am and how I'm not getting any sleep, but I can't even think about what I should write. Even if I wanted to nap right now (which I don't only because it's close to bedtime, but not quite late enough yet for me) Michael is using my pillow. He was overtired but wouldn't lay down until he had half the blankets and pillows (all of which he calls "Dillows") off of my bed and in the pack n play with him. Not that he needs any blankets, it's so warm in here, he's sleeping on top of all of them. Mind you the house itself is cool, just our room is hot from the heat of the computers being on for a little while. The fan helps in addition to the AC though so that's nice. I guess that's all I really have to write about.
Although I went out with Bry today, she had an ultrasound and took me with her. I got to see Bellah, and while half of the ultrasound was really hard to even tell what was going on (because they were taking measurements) at the end we got to see her cute little face and her nose and mouth were really clear. I can't wait for Bry to have her, I'm so excited for her. :)
Jace is doing good and he's fairly active, but not as active as Michael was. Jace is at the point though where he's big enough that he likes to shove into my stomach and cause massive amounts of heart burn, make me feel sick, and just give me stomach pains whenever he feels like too. Sometimes he hits me from both the top of my stomach and on my pelvic floor as well, what an odd and fairly unpleasant sensation that is. I can't believe that he'll be here soon too.
I'm tired, I'm sleepy and I have heartburn... and did I mention that I'm exhausted? I thought I should write about how tired I am and how I'm not getting any sleep, but I can't even think about what I should write. Even if I wanted to nap right now (which I don't only because it's close to bedtime, but not quite late enough yet for me) Michael is using my pillow. He was overtired but wouldn't lay down until he had half the blankets and pillows (all of which he calls "Dillows") off of my bed and in the pack n play with him. Not that he needs any blankets, it's so warm in here, he's sleeping on top of all of them. Mind you the house itself is cool, just our room is hot from the heat of the computers being on for a little while. The fan helps in addition to the AC though so that's nice. I guess that's all I really have to write about.
Although I went out with Bry today, she had an ultrasound and took me with her. I got to see Bellah, and while half of the ultrasound was really hard to even tell what was going on (because they were taking measurements) at the end we got to see her cute little face and her nose and mouth were really clear. I can't wait for Bry to have her, I'm so excited for her. :)
Jace is doing good and he's fairly active, but not as active as Michael was. Jace is at the point though where he's big enough that he likes to shove into my stomach and cause massive amounts of heart burn, make me feel sick, and just give me stomach pains whenever he feels like too. Sometimes he hits me from both the top of my stomach and on my pelvic floor as well, what an odd and fairly unpleasant sensation that is. I can't believe that he'll be here soon too.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Boppy Pillow!
Oh, dear boppy pillow how I missed you! Last pregnancy my mom got me this awesome boppy wedge pillow. It's a little wedge that you can stick under your growing belly to support it. I love this thing and have been meaning to get it back out, but it was buried in a box in Michael's closet. I finally got it out a couple of days ago. This is it:
Sadly, I kept leaving it in Michael's room and didn't want to go back in there to look for it in the dark, so there it stayed. I finally remembered it while I was in there last night and threw it into the hall way so I would see it when I left. Mike still had to remind me to pick it up. I'm glad though because it has eased a lot of my back pain already in one night. Whoever invented this little wedge was a genius.
Also as a note, my boobs have gone into super leak mode today. Uuugh....
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Full and Leaky
Last pregnancy I started having leaky boobies at 20 weeks. This time, I got an extra 5 weeks before I started. For the last three weeks I have had just a couple of drops here and there appear on my clothing from where my breasts are readying themselves for Jace's arrival.
I've also noticed that they are heavier and often I get a cold feeling, which makes me wonder if they are leaking. Usually they aren't yet, but later I'll find a drop or two of wetness on my shirt. Today however, my nipples were sensitive and sore. I lifted up my nightgown (which I wore half the day) and checked to make sure I was okay. Everything looked fine so I rubbed my hand down the sore area from the outer part of my breast toward the nipple and what do you know, colostrum! I was able to do it multiple times, which I did hoping to relieve some of the pressure and pain that I was starting to feel. I showed Mike, and he told me I should go buy the pump I was wanting so I could pump and relieve the pain. I thought of it for a moment, but couldn't figure out why I didn't want to, aside from the fact that I don't want to store colostrum. Then I remembered that nipple stimulation is supposed to help bring on labor and I really don't want to go into preterm labor just because I'm relieving some pressure from my boobs. How lame would that be?
So I guess I just now get to deal with leaky boobies and nipple pads for the rest of the pregnancy. I'll try a warm washcloth if they get sore again and see how that works.
I've also noticed that they are heavier and often I get a cold feeling, which makes me wonder if they are leaking. Usually they aren't yet, but later I'll find a drop or two of wetness on my shirt. Today however, my nipples were sensitive and sore. I lifted up my nightgown (which I wore half the day) and checked to make sure I was okay. Everything looked fine so I rubbed my hand down the sore area from the outer part of my breast toward the nipple and what do you know, colostrum! I was able to do it multiple times, which I did hoping to relieve some of the pressure and pain that I was starting to feel. I showed Mike, and he told me I should go buy the pump I was wanting so I could pump and relieve the pain. I thought of it for a moment, but couldn't figure out why I didn't want to, aside from the fact that I don't want to store colostrum. Then I remembered that nipple stimulation is supposed to help bring on labor and I really don't want to go into preterm labor just because I'm relieving some pressure from my boobs. How lame would that be?
So I guess I just now get to deal with leaky boobies and nipple pads for the rest of the pregnancy. I'll try a warm washcloth if they get sore again and see how that works.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Devastated Smiles
Today was a good day. I got to sleep in my own bed and wake up in it. After being up in Nor Cal looking for a house I'm glad to be back with my own belongings. I ended up spending my afternoon and evening with Bry and we had a great time. I am so excited about how close she is to giving birth to Bellah (2 weeks) and excited just to be with her right now. We hung out, then went to Babies R Us where she spent a giftcard from her baby shower and I bought Michael size 6 diapers and got $8 off by buying a big pack of wipes with it. Dear me diapers are expensive! The box itself cost $45.99!!! for like 96! Then we went to Chic-fil-a and ate. Afterwards, we went to Barnes and Noble and looked for potty training books.
Michael has been telling me consistently for a good couple of weeks now when he goes peepee and poopy. I bought him a potty chair yesterday, and once I read up a little more on the training, I'm going to start training him right away.
We picked up Eric from work and then I dropped Bry and Eric off at their house. I had a great time and can't wait to hang out more. Then, I came home and played with Michael for a little while, until he started rubbing his eyes. I took him in my room and stuck him in the pack and play as he is still re adjusting to sleeping in his room again, but he was loud and happy. So, I let him play.
While he was playing, I turned on my computer and got online. There I saw a "cryptic" message on facebook that I assume could only mean something to do with me and it makes sense on why it means something to do with me, but I don't understand. I don't know what it means. All I know is that it hurt for some reason. I don't know how I fucked up so bad while doing something I really truly believe is right for me. I don't understand that how buying a house for myself despite being in Nor Cal instead of So Cal could cause so much hurt. I can understand there being initial hurt, but hurt like this on two different sides? I'm terrified of what I did so wrong that I'm not worthy of being talked to anymore. I'm so sick to my stomach and so stressed over the reactions that a single text message almost sent me into a panic attack.
Everyday I check facebook hoping for some kind of acknowledgement, or happiness and each day I am sad that I am all alone on this. I have so much support from friends and family, yet not from one of the sources that matters the most to me. All I want is support. I want support in a decision that I made, that I truly believe in. How can moving away be so bad that this is happening? What am I missing? What did I do?
I told Mikey about the facebook status, and he was confused. I explained the little bit that I thought I understood and then I lost it. I cried. I cried and blubbered and could barely talk or breathe. I got up to go blow my nose because I couldn't breathe at all through my nose, and Mikey kept telling Michael that he should tell me that he loved me because it would make me happy. Michael said it very clear when I came out and of course made me smile. It made everything better for a while even though there was still hurt, I could deal with it for my smiling little boy who for the first time told me, "Mama, I love you!"
Michael was tired and I almost had him asleep at one point, but Pandora was right on the edge of the bed where he could see her so he got up and that was it. He wouldn't lay back down. Then, he told me he had peepeed, so I was going to gather him up with his pillow and bottle to go change him, but I couldn't find his "baba." I kept looking everywhere that he normally throws it, but couldn't see it anywhere. I finally said, "Really?!?" and plain as day Michael repeated me perfectly. That made both Mike and I laugh. He kept repeating it while I looked for his bottle. Then I found it and gathered him up and changed him.
He's been in his bed for a good little while now almost putting himself to bed, but he got upset when Mike walked by his room to go get a drink. Now he's laying down again. He's so cute and I love him so much.
I'm going to do my best not to stress myself out more right now and go sing Michael to sleep since he's still whining since Mike walked by his room.
Michael has been telling me consistently for a good couple of weeks now when he goes peepee and poopy. I bought him a potty chair yesterday, and once I read up a little more on the training, I'm going to start training him right away.
We picked up Eric from work and then I dropped Bry and Eric off at their house. I had a great time and can't wait to hang out more. Then, I came home and played with Michael for a little while, until he started rubbing his eyes. I took him in my room and stuck him in the pack and play as he is still re adjusting to sleeping in his room again, but he was loud and happy. So, I let him play.
While he was playing, I turned on my computer and got online. There I saw a "cryptic" message on facebook that I assume could only mean something to do with me and it makes sense on why it means something to do with me, but I don't understand. I don't know what it means. All I know is that it hurt for some reason. I don't know how I fucked up so bad while doing something I really truly believe is right for me. I don't understand that how buying a house for myself despite being in Nor Cal instead of So Cal could cause so much hurt. I can understand there being initial hurt, but hurt like this on two different sides? I'm terrified of what I did so wrong that I'm not worthy of being talked to anymore. I'm so sick to my stomach and so stressed over the reactions that a single text message almost sent me into a panic attack.
Everyday I check facebook hoping for some kind of acknowledgement, or happiness and each day I am sad that I am all alone on this. I have so much support from friends and family, yet not from one of the sources that matters the most to me. All I want is support. I want support in a decision that I made, that I truly believe in. How can moving away be so bad that this is happening? What am I missing? What did I do?
I told Mikey about the facebook status, and he was confused. I explained the little bit that I thought I understood and then I lost it. I cried. I cried and blubbered and could barely talk or breathe. I got up to go blow my nose because I couldn't breathe at all through my nose, and Mikey kept telling Michael that he should tell me that he loved me because it would make me happy. Michael said it very clear when I came out and of course made me smile. It made everything better for a while even though there was still hurt, I could deal with it for my smiling little boy who for the first time told me, "Mama, I love you!"
Michael was tired and I almost had him asleep at one point, but Pandora was right on the edge of the bed where he could see her so he got up and that was it. He wouldn't lay back down. Then, he told me he had peepeed, so I was going to gather him up with his pillow and bottle to go change him, but I couldn't find his "baba." I kept looking everywhere that he normally throws it, but couldn't see it anywhere. I finally said, "Really?!?" and plain as day Michael repeated me perfectly. That made both Mike and I laugh. He kept repeating it while I looked for his bottle. Then I found it and gathered him up and changed him.
He's been in his bed for a good little while now almost putting himself to bed, but he got upset when Mike walked by his room to go get a drink. Now he's laying down again. He's so cute and I love him so much.
I'm going to do my best not to stress myself out more right now and go sing Michael to sleep since he's still whining since Mike walked by his room.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
A Bundle of Nerves
A lot has happened since I last wrote. Much of which I am terrified to talk about to most people for fear of them being too upset with me. I'm a bundle of nerves that I can't control. I blame the pregnancy for not being able to control my emotions as much as I would like to, but I know I'm emotional anyways so maybe it's not just the pregnancy.
I decided that I want to buy a house. While I love Southern California, I know that I can't get a house there like I would like to. My rent at my apartment just went up a couple of dollars to $1005 every month. That's for rent alone and nothing else. I'm terrified of the idea of having two little boys and living in an upstairs apartment. I was fine with one, but now Michael is old enough that he knows that the door will take you outside. He loves being outside and I hate that I can't take him outside to play as much as he'd should be allowed to. It makes me sad when he grabs my hand and pulls on it so that I'll get up off the couch and he'll lead me to the door because he wants to go outside, but I can't take him. There are a couple of places that I could carry him down the stairs to and he can play without him running into the parking lot of the apartment complex, but then I have to chase him off of neighbors stairs, or run after him when he's going after others who are walking their dogs and so on. He's an adventurous little boy and being pregnant, I just can't keep up with him. I know that when Jace arrives (the name we've picked for our next little boy) that I won't be able to carry the baby and chase Michael at the same time either.
The idea of having a back yard that is fenced in where I can sit down on some patio furniture and watch Michael run around and play all he wants while I hold Jace is a dream. I am so excited by the idea that he could run around and play outside like a little kid should. I can't wait to see him smile when he leads me to the door and I actually let him out the door because it's okay for him to go outside.
I'm excited about the idea of having a house instead of our tiny little apartment. Our little apartment which is too crowded for just the 3 of us. The little apartment where it looks messy even when it's clean because we don't have enough room for all of our belongings. I'm not even talking about the toys spread all through the house, because that's Michael's mess and I know it's going to be there and it's only going to get worse when Jace arrives and gets his own toys. Those are easy to pick up and put away. I'm talking more along the lines where our dining room is almost too small for our table in it's small form (without the elliptical that I stuck in there too). If we have guests over and we sit around the table, people have to get up to move if we want to walk into the kitchen.
I'm mostly just complaining, but it feels so good just to get it all out. I'm doing this for my little family that I've started, so that they can grow up happy. So I don't have to worry about where I'm going to put things when Jace arrives just to make room for him. So I can have people come over to visit and be happy with showing them where I live rather than be embarrassed about how messy I think the house looks whether it's actually messy or just cluttered.
If this house goes through it will be a dream come true and I am so excited about it. I'm scared because it's a big step out of my comfort zone, but I know once I do it and it's done that I will be so much happier. I'm also excited that if I get this house, I'll have a guest room so that family can stay with us. Something I've never really had was a place that family could stay with us. That's always been the couch or the floor in the living room.
I don't want anyone to hurt because I'm moving. I'm not moving for anyone or because of anyone but myself and my little boys. It was my idea and one of the biggest steps I've ever taken myself. Thank you to everyone who has shown me support in my decision and thank you for all of you who have even just shown understanding even though you don't agree with me for whatever the reason. I've thought it over many times, and I know that it's what I need to do for myself and my little boys. Mike gets to come along for the ride and there are job opportunities here for him like there are in Riverside for him. He might just have to commute like he would if we were still living in So. Cal. and hey, at least we didn't move to Canada like we thought we might have to for Mike's job when Michael was born. ;) Love you guys!
I decided that I want to buy a house. While I love Southern California, I know that I can't get a house there like I would like to. My rent at my apartment just went up a couple of dollars to $1005 every month. That's for rent alone and nothing else. I'm terrified of the idea of having two little boys and living in an upstairs apartment. I was fine with one, but now Michael is old enough that he knows that the door will take you outside. He loves being outside and I hate that I can't take him outside to play as much as he'd should be allowed to. It makes me sad when he grabs my hand and pulls on it so that I'll get up off the couch and he'll lead me to the door because he wants to go outside, but I can't take him. There are a couple of places that I could carry him down the stairs to and he can play without him running into the parking lot of the apartment complex, but then I have to chase him off of neighbors stairs, or run after him when he's going after others who are walking their dogs and so on. He's an adventurous little boy and being pregnant, I just can't keep up with him. I know that when Jace arrives (the name we've picked for our next little boy) that I won't be able to carry the baby and chase Michael at the same time either.
The idea of having a back yard that is fenced in where I can sit down on some patio furniture and watch Michael run around and play all he wants while I hold Jace is a dream. I am so excited by the idea that he could run around and play outside like a little kid should. I can't wait to see him smile when he leads me to the door and I actually let him out the door because it's okay for him to go outside.
I'm excited about the idea of having a house instead of our tiny little apartment. Our little apartment which is too crowded for just the 3 of us. The little apartment where it looks messy even when it's clean because we don't have enough room for all of our belongings. I'm not even talking about the toys spread all through the house, because that's Michael's mess and I know it's going to be there and it's only going to get worse when Jace arrives and gets his own toys. Those are easy to pick up and put away. I'm talking more along the lines where our dining room is almost too small for our table in it's small form (without the elliptical that I stuck in there too). If we have guests over and we sit around the table, people have to get up to move if we want to walk into the kitchen.
I'm mostly just complaining, but it feels so good just to get it all out. I'm doing this for my little family that I've started, so that they can grow up happy. So I don't have to worry about where I'm going to put things when Jace arrives just to make room for him. So I can have people come over to visit and be happy with showing them where I live rather than be embarrassed about how messy I think the house looks whether it's actually messy or just cluttered.
If this house goes through it will be a dream come true and I am so excited about it. I'm scared because it's a big step out of my comfort zone, but I know once I do it and it's done that I will be so much happier. I'm also excited that if I get this house, I'll have a guest room so that family can stay with us. Something I've never really had was a place that family could stay with us. That's always been the couch or the floor in the living room.
I don't want anyone to hurt because I'm moving. I'm not moving for anyone or because of anyone but myself and my little boys. It was my idea and one of the biggest steps I've ever taken myself. Thank you to everyone who has shown me support in my decision and thank you for all of you who have even just shown understanding even though you don't agree with me for whatever the reason. I've thought it over many times, and I know that it's what I need to do for myself and my little boys. Mike gets to come along for the ride and there are job opportunities here for him like there are in Riverside for him. He might just have to commute like he would if we were still living in So. Cal. and hey, at least we didn't move to Canada like we thought we might have to for Mike's job when Michael was born. ;) Love you guys!
Friday, July 29, 2011
24 Weeks! V-Day :)
So this past Tuesday, July 26 I was 24 weeks pregnant! That is a wonderful milestone as it is V-Day.
For those who don't know what V-Day is, it's the day that baby is now Viable and able to survive outside of the womb (with lots of help) if anything should happen.
And as a bonus! A belly shot :)
For those who don't know what V-Day is, it's the day that baby is now Viable and able to survive outside of the womb (with lots of help) if anything should happen.
And as a bonus! A belly shot :)
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24 Weeks, 2 Days |
It's a ____!!!!
Alright, so as you all know, last time we tried to figure out what our little one was, they were being very shy.
This time, little one was shy again, and as soon as we started the ultrasound, the first image we saw was baby hiding it's face behind it's hands. About an hour and a half we finally got confirmation on what baby was. It's a boy!!!! :D We knew for sure once he stopped closing his legs and there were two things poking out from between his legs instead of one. One was the umbilical cord, the other his boy parts. We kept thinking he was a girl at first because he'd close his legs and squish everything which made it look like there were three lines which would mean girl. I'm so happy to finally know what he is though!
So now the question is, "Do you have any names yet?" Well, we are definitely looking at names and there is one that we like and are considering, but we are also still throwing names out at each other. So once we really decide I'll let everyone know, but until then... ;)
This time, little one was shy again, and as soon as we started the ultrasound, the first image we saw was baby hiding it's face behind it's hands. About an hour and a half we finally got confirmation on what baby was. It's a boy!!!! :D We knew for sure once he stopped closing his legs and there were two things poking out from between his legs instead of one. One was the umbilical cord, the other his boy parts. We kept thinking he was a girl at first because he'd close his legs and squish everything which made it look like there were three lines which would mean girl. I'm so happy to finally know what he is though!
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Pointing straight at his boy parts! |
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Another money shot this time from the other side. His leg is stretched out along the bottom of the picture. |
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My little man waving at us |
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Looking straight at us. His chest is on the left. |
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Profile Veiw |
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Profile view. His arm is in the middle and then his legs go up at the end. He is looking straight at his feet. |
So now the question is, "Do you have any names yet?" Well, we are definitely looking at names and there is one that we like and are considering, but we are also still throwing names out at each other. So once we really decide I'll let everyone know, but until then... ;)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Second Tri. & Old Wives Tales
Old Wives Tale #1: Heartburn
If a pregnant woman experiences heartburn throughout the 9 months of pregnancy, she’ll have a baby born with a full head of hair.
Heartburn? Check!
Old Wives Tale #2: Heart Rate
If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl. If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy.
So far, babies heartbeat has been around 155 almost every time. As I said last time though, Michael's was higher as well and he was a boy.
Old Wives Tale #3: Shape of Belly
If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy.
Mike said high up with a round belly rather than sticking straight out, so this points to a girl.
Old Wives Tale #4: Ring Test
Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly. You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle.
Ugh, this one is stupid. I feel even more stupid doing it in front of Mike, if he'd even notice I was doing it, he's playing a game on his computer. I'll come back to this one. K... circle this time.
Old Wives Tale #5: Shape of Mom’s Face
When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl. If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy.
"Uhm yeah... what if I'm already chunky with a fuller rounder face? lol Does that just point to a girl automatically? If so Michael should have been a girl... :rolls eyes: " I'll keep this statement from before as well.
Old Wives Tale #6: Key Test
This test involves a key. If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), you are going to have a boy. If you pick up the key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl. If you happen to grab the key in the middle, congrats, it’s twins!
Boy for this one.
Old Wives Tale #7: Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way!
"Okay, so last year when I got pregnant, I was 24 and it was the year 2009. 2033 is an odd number and hey look, Michael was a boy. This year, I was 25 and it's 2010. 2035 is an odd number, so according to this I'm having another boy." Well, no sense in doing that math over for this one lol.
Old Wives Tale #8: Drano Test
The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl. If it turns blue, it’s a boy.
Still not planning on trying this one...
Old Wives Tale #9: Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones.
I've had slight acne, so I guess that means it's a girl.
Old Wives Tale #10: Cravings
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.
I totally love salty foods right now, but I love fruit too. I think I crave more fruit right now though, so girl.
Old Wives Tale #11: Smell of Garlic
If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell does not come out of her pores, it’s a girl. If the smell seeps out of her pores, it’s a boy.
I still don't get this one. I don't think I've eaten garlic really yet either, so I guess it still doesn't count.
Old Wives Tale #12: Skin under Left Eye
The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl.
:Runs to the bathroom mirror: Just as I thought! I have branches in the white of my eye as this old wives tale says. I don't think that really has to do with the gender of your child though. Either way, that points to a girl for me.
Old Wives Tale #13: Previous Kids
This tale only applies if you have had previous kids. If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl. If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy.
Well, Michael's first parent word was Dadda, so that points to us having another boy.
Old Wives Tale #14: Time of Conception
The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be.
Well now, that's no help at all! While I know what happened with Michael (although aggressiveness I can't remember) I have no idea how (aside from the obvious fact that we had sex) we got pregnant this time. It was definitely one of those, a baby comes when a baby is ready to kind of pregnancies. Not that I was disappointed that I was pregnant. Just surprised.
Old Wives Tale #15: Legs
If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl.
Oh yeah? Thanks. I'm a big girl already and was last time. I guess that's another point for it being a boy since my legs aren't in shape or lean to begin with.
Old Wives Tale #16: Moodiness and a Little Pecker
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you.
Apparently I've been moodier this time than last, Mike has commented on it once in a while. I feel bad that I've been moody enough for him to comment on it, but once he points it out I can work on fixing it. I told him not to withhold it from me if I was because I don't want to be moody. So I guess it points to girl this time.
Old Wives Tale #17: Bread
If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy. If you eat the middle of the loaf, it’s a girl.
I much prefer the middles of the loaf, and always have. So Michael should have been a girl and this one should be too. Hmmm.
Old Wives Tale #18: Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived.
So I was 24 with Michael and we conceived in July, it says Michael should have been a boy. Being 25 and conceiving in February says this one will be a boy as well.
Old Wives Tale #19: Mom’s Beauty
Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy. It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty. If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy.
I still don't think any beauty has been stolen, so I think this one points at boy.
Old Wives Tale #20: Dream of Sex of Baby
If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl. If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy. Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.
Okay so last pregnancy I dreamed Michael was a girl and he was indeed a boy. This pregnancy I've dreamed that the baby will be a boy, so that points to girl.
Old Wives Tale #21: Clumsy vs. Graceful
If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl. If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy.
Well, again that's not fair. I've always been clumsy. So that's automatically a boy again.
Old Wives Tale #22: Toddlers
If a toddler boy expresses interest in a pregnant woman, she is having a girl. If he doesn’t show interest, she’s having a boy.
Michael does love my belly and he loves to lift my shirt up so he can tell me it's my belly. Does that count towards girl? lol
Old Wives Tale #23: Side You Most Rest On
If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy. If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl.
I definitely prefer my left side, and did last time too. So boy for both.
Old Wives Tale #24: Hands
When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, it’s a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up.
Check, girl.
Old Wives Tale #25: Dad’s Weight Gain
If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl. If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy.
Er... I don't know if he's gained any. Can I say he's stayed around the same? I guess that means boy.
Old Wives Tale #26: Breast Test
If a pregnant woman’s left breast is larger than the right breast, she’s having a girl. If the right breast is larger, it’s a boy.
This one says boy.
Old Wives Tale #27: What Do You Think?
71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having.
I started out thinking this one was going to be a boy. I -felt- it was a boy. Now I half think it's a girl. So this time I'm going to vote for girl, although I really have no idea.
Old Wives Tale #28: Morning Sickness
If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy. If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl.
Well, this one is a girl.
Old Wives Tale #29: Areolae
If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it’s a boy.
Check, boy.
Old Wives Tale #30: Protein
When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy.
So, a girl. I still don't crave meat or cheese... well I like bean and cheese burritos with red sauce, but then I'm craving the red sauce.
Old Wives Tale #31: Feet
Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant? If so, you just might be having a boy. If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl.
The same, so a girl.
Old Wives Tale #32: Hair on Legs
If the hair on your legs has been growing at record speeds, you might be having a boy.
Not growing that fast at all. So girl.
Old Wives Tale #33: Hands are Dry
If your hands are constantly dry, it’s a boy.
I'll say a boy, although they aren't horribly dry.
Old Wives Tale #34: Urine
What color is your pee? If it is bright yellow, you will have a little boy. If your urine is a dull yellow, plan on a girl.
This one says girl.
Old Wives Tale #35: Headaches
If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.
I think I've had some, but not many so I guess girl.
Old Wives Tale #36: Baby Names
It is said that when you can only think of specific names for a boy or a girl, you will have that particularly baby.
Same as first tri. Girl here too, Although! I have a boy name I like... haha
Alrighty so I'm gonna tally it up! If I did this right...
Girl: 18
Boy: 14
So now it says I'm having a girl! Last time it said boy. lol
Sunday, July 10, 2011
:Squeals: Kicks!
This morning I woke up to the sound of my name being called by Michael. I rolled over and looked at the tv screen that we have his camera hooked up to and not being able to see him I knew he was standing in his doorway calling for me. "Ash, Ash...Ash? Ash! Ash?" So I rolled out of bed and poked my head around the corner of my door and told him I'd be with him in a moment. I got dressed and went and sat with him in his room.
He was playing with his toys having lots of fun while I sat on a bean bag chair. We bought some just so I could sit in his room with him while he was playing, because I can only sit on the floor for so long. While sitting there stretched back I felt baby kicking and looked down and to my surprise I saw the kick! Then there was another one! I was so excited that I got to see movement already. It's one thing to feel it, but another to see it as well.
I'm 21 weeks and 5 days today. So exciting.
He was playing with his toys having lots of fun while I sat on a bean bag chair. We bought some just so I could sit in his room with him while he was playing, because I can only sit on the floor for so long. While sitting there stretched back I felt baby kicking and looked down and to my surprise I saw the kick! Then there was another one! I was so excited that I got to see movement already. It's one thing to feel it, but another to see it as well.
I'm 21 weeks and 5 days today. So exciting.
Friday, July 8, 2011
My poor feet have decided that it is time to start swelling. My left ankle has been hurting for a little while now and every time I think that it is swollen, I look at it, and feel it and while I think it looks swollen, I realize I just have big ankles.
Last night though, I commented on how they were big, and how it looked like I had hooves instead of feet. Well, when I got home, and was picking up trash that had been knocked over out of the bag I was on my knees and I realized that my feet hurt. I couldn't bend my ankles because the skin was too tight on the top part of my feet. I looked at them and they were huge! They have been swollen all day today as well. I just got up off the couch a couple of minutes ago after having them raised above my heart for about an hour. They look better and aren't swelling out the tops of my shoes... or they've gone down enough that they wouldn't be because I'm not wearing shoes in the house.
Also, since I wrote about movement, I've been feeling so much more movement it's been crazy. I enjoy it. It makes me feel like I'm actually pregnant instead of just sick or not feeling well. :)
Last night though, I commented on how they were big, and how it looked like I had hooves instead of feet. Well, when I got home, and was picking up trash that had been knocked over out of the bag I was on my knees and I realized that my feet hurt. I couldn't bend my ankles because the skin was too tight on the top part of my feet. I looked at them and they were huge! They have been swollen all day today as well. I just got up off the couch a couple of minutes ago after having them raised above my heart for about an hour. They look better and aren't swelling out the tops of my shoes... or they've gone down enough that they wouldn't be because I'm not wearing shoes in the house.
Also, since I wrote about movement, I've been feeling so much more movement it's been crazy. I enjoy it. It makes me feel like I'm actually pregnant instead of just sick or not feeling well. :)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I don't think I've wrote about movement yet.
Early just before Second Trimester I swore I felt movement. It was extremely low down and felt like something "rolling." Whether or not that was baby, I don't know. It only happened at night when I was laying down on my side. I never felt it at any other time.
Then, on the day of my wedding at 15/16 weeks I was sitting down outside and thought I felt a jab from the baby. It surprised me, and again I thought it was baby, but I wasn't sure. Later that evening, as Mike and I sat on the bed at the hotel watching documentaries on the tsunami in Japan and eating pizza I felt the same jab a couple times again. I decided it must be baby.
Now that I'm 20 weeks, I feel baby a lot more. It's different and very subtle, but I'm sure it's baby because of how often I feel it. I always feel it best when I'm sitting or laying. I'm enjoying the movement though, and I can't wait for it to get stronger. The movement was one of my favorite parts with Michael.
Speaking of Michael, he just woke up from a nap, then laid right back down. He is so tall it's ridiculous. Mike and I went to the DMV yesterday to get his drivers license, but he couldn't take it because both of my front blinkers were out. I got that fixed today though for $6. So, being that we were there at 8am and I hadn't eaten I took him to Denny's.
We sat down and not long after a family was sat down at the booth across from us with a young boy in a highchair as well. I asked them how old he was at one point and to my surprise he was 13 months. Michael is 14 months. He was quite a bit smaller than Michael, and the lady freaked out because she was feeding him some of her soup and he got a small piece of chicken. Michael has been eating solids for so long, and was eating a sausage link by himself at that moment. My biggest surprise was when we were leaving though. I knew that he was smaller, but as I was paying and they came up to the register, the boy was literally half Michael's size.
I know that not all kids grow up at the same rate, and I'm not trying to be rude if anyone thinks I am. I'm just sad at how fast my little boy is growing up. I mean the other day we were at Radioshack while Mike was working and there was a 2 year old boy there with his dad. I let Michael run around as the store was full of friends and he made friends with the 2 year old. They were the same height and the other little boy didn't talk much more than Michael did. The one thing that I did notice was he understood a lot more, which I'd expected. It was adorable when Michael was getting into something he wasn't supposed to and the other little boy would move Michael's hand away, especially if I said, "No" to Michael before that.
I also learned that Michael is a little sweetie when it comes to other kids, because he kept trying to hug the little boy. The little boy was okay with it, but got scared because Michael would move his head in close and it looked like he was going to bang heads with the other kid, even though he was being sweet. I've seen him hug other little kids too. I love my little guy. :)
Early just before Second Trimester I swore I felt movement. It was extremely low down and felt like something "rolling." Whether or not that was baby, I don't know. It only happened at night when I was laying down on my side. I never felt it at any other time.
Then, on the day of my wedding at 15/16 weeks I was sitting down outside and thought I felt a jab from the baby. It surprised me, and again I thought it was baby, but I wasn't sure. Later that evening, as Mike and I sat on the bed at the hotel watching documentaries on the tsunami in Japan and eating pizza I felt the same jab a couple times again. I decided it must be baby.
Now that I'm 20 weeks, I feel baby a lot more. It's different and very subtle, but I'm sure it's baby because of how often I feel it. I always feel it best when I'm sitting or laying. I'm enjoying the movement though, and I can't wait for it to get stronger. The movement was one of my favorite parts with Michael.
Speaking of Michael, he just woke up from a nap, then laid right back down. He is so tall it's ridiculous. Mike and I went to the DMV yesterday to get his drivers license, but he couldn't take it because both of my front blinkers were out. I got that fixed today though for $6. So, being that we were there at 8am and I hadn't eaten I took him to Denny's.
We sat down and not long after a family was sat down at the booth across from us with a young boy in a highchair as well. I asked them how old he was at one point and to my surprise he was 13 months. Michael is 14 months. He was quite a bit smaller than Michael, and the lady freaked out because she was feeding him some of her soup and he got a small piece of chicken. Michael has been eating solids for so long, and was eating a sausage link by himself at that moment. My biggest surprise was when we were leaving though. I knew that he was smaller, but as I was paying and they came up to the register, the boy was literally half Michael's size.
I know that not all kids grow up at the same rate, and I'm not trying to be rude if anyone thinks I am. I'm just sad at how fast my little boy is growing up. I mean the other day we were at Radioshack while Mike was working and there was a 2 year old boy there with his dad. I let Michael run around as the store was full of friends and he made friends with the 2 year old. They were the same height and the other little boy didn't talk much more than Michael did. The one thing that I did notice was he understood a lot more, which I'd expected. It was adorable when Michael was getting into something he wasn't supposed to and the other little boy would move Michael's hand away, especially if I said, "No" to Michael before that.
I also learned that Michael is a little sweetie when it comes to other kids, because he kept trying to hug the little boy. The little boy was okay with it, but got scared because Michael would move his head in close and it looked like he was going to bang heads with the other kid, even though he was being sweet. I've seen him hug other little kids too. I love my little guy. :)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Halfway There
So, I'm now 20 weeks pregnant! Yay! I guess now it's 20 weeks and 2 days, but you know what I mean. I am half way through my pregnancy which is exciting. I feel like I'm a lot smaller this time around, but I don't know if it's only because I'm 20 weeks or because baby is actually sitting in my back.
Baby is in my back though because my hips/lower back are absolutely killing me. At night in bed I can't even roll over from one side to the other because I'm in so much pain from the pressure baby is putting on me. I have to very slowly move myself and sometimes I pop something that I don't know what it is. It feels like I'm popping my pelvis, in between my legs... is that possible? It usually relieves the pain for a little bit though.
I'm hoping to find out baby's gender this weekend if Kristine is available to do so. If not I'll have to wait one more week. I mean, I think I can go in at any time, but Kristine is only there on the weekends. Keep your fingers crossed that whenever I go, baby will let us find out it's gender. I am really curious. Before I felt like baby was a boy, but lately I wonder if baby is a girl! I don't have a preference either way, I just want to know. :)
Oh! I'm also excited that I'm 20 weeks and I'm not lactating yet! I was at this point last pregnancy and have already bought nipple pads again just in case, but nothing yet and I am totally okay with that! I will post more after my next ultrasound :)
Baby is in my back though because my hips/lower back are absolutely killing me. At night in bed I can't even roll over from one side to the other because I'm in so much pain from the pressure baby is putting on me. I have to very slowly move myself and sometimes I pop something that I don't know what it is. It feels like I'm popping my pelvis, in between my legs... is that possible? It usually relieves the pain for a little bit though.
I'm hoping to find out baby's gender this weekend if Kristine is available to do so. If not I'll have to wait one more week. I mean, I think I can go in at any time, but Kristine is only there on the weekends. Keep your fingers crossed that whenever I go, baby will let us find out it's gender. I am really curious. Before I felt like baby was a boy, but lately I wonder if baby is a girl! I don't have a preference either way, I just want to know. :)
Oh! I'm also excited that I'm 20 weeks and I'm not lactating yet! I was at this point last pregnancy and have already bought nipple pads again just in case, but nothing yet and I am totally okay with that! I will post more after my next ultrasound :)
It's been a while since I posted. A month right? Yikes... I always do this, start a blog, then bail out on it. I'm a little angry at myself for doing it, but at least I'm picking it back up here right? ;)
So at 17 weeks and 4 days along, I went to go see my cousin Kristine at her school. She told me that if I came in she could do free ultrasounds for me. So, in I went! I was hoping to find out the gender of our little one but baby was not cooperative at all! Baby not only had the umbilical cord in the way, but had it's legs crossed as well. At one point, Kristine had a good picture of baby's face and we were watching the baby, then baby covered it's face. We could even see the baby's eye. Camera shy already I guess. That won't last long with the amount of pictures I take haha.
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures that Kristine gave us.
We all had fun while Kristine did the ultrasounds, and then we waited for my ultrasound test where they measure baby and make sure everything is okay. The doctor who was doing it was busy since I kind of walked in with the test papers just in case they could do it. I ended up on the "table" for around 4 hours. I was so stiff and sore at the end of the test that I could barely walk. I almost fell on the way to the car after Kristine left me. Mike and Michael were already at the car since Michael was getting loud.
So at 17 weeks and 4 days along, I went to go see my cousin Kristine at her school. She told me that if I came in she could do free ultrasounds for me. So, in I went! I was hoping to find out the gender of our little one but baby was not cooperative at all! Baby not only had the umbilical cord in the way, but had it's legs crossed as well. At one point, Kristine had a good picture of baby's face and we were watching the baby, then baby covered it's face. We could even see the baby's eye. Camera shy already I guess. That won't last long with the amount of pictures I take haha.
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures that Kristine gave us.
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Baby's left foot print on the right side |
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Baby's hand at the top left corner, I think baby's foot might be there too, but I can't remember. |
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Baby's profile |
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Profile view of baby. You can see baby's head, with a finger pointing at it's face and it's spine/ribs too. |
We all had fun while Kristine did the ultrasounds, and then we waited for my ultrasound test where they measure baby and make sure everything is okay. The doctor who was doing it was busy since I kind of walked in with the test papers just in case they could do it. I ended up on the "table" for around 4 hours. I was so stiff and sore at the end of the test that I could barely walk. I almost fell on the way to the car after Kristine left me. Mike and Michael were already at the car since Michael was getting loud.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
I Do
May 29, 2011
The morning of our wedding, I got up and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, Mike woke up (or got out of bed) and took his shower and Missy came and knocked on the door to make sure we were awake. I was a little surprised she didn't hear the blow dryer a couple minutes before. I guess it's not as loud as I thought it was. I went and grabbed Michael and stuck him in the shower with Mike, then left to go get a towel and do some other things. I got back just as Mike and Michael were getting out and I took Michael in his towel.
Now, I don't remember how this all worked, but Mike was somehow ahead of me and in our tiny little "hallway" between our bedroom and attached bathroom and I was next to the sink with Michael. We needed to trade places so I could take Michael to the bed and put the diaper I had waiting for him on. Well, seconds before Mike and I traded places he had a bit of gas. Normally, Mike is a weird alien that has gas that doesn't stink. It's all the sound, but no smell, which is nice, but this time as I passed him, I walked right into and through the foulest smelling gas bubble (okay so I've smelled worse, it was just bad). It took me by surprise, but I figured whatever, it's not the worst I've ever dealt with and I can handle it. I was wrong, I stood there a couple steps inside the room struggling not to get sick. I believe Mike asked me if I was okay, and what was wrong, but I couldn't give him a real answer. I finally yelled at him to hurry up and take Michael. Then yelled at him to get there faster. Poor Mike didn't know what was going on and as soon as he was close enough, I handed Michael to him and I ran for the bathroom.
I made it, and I heaved, and puked a little bit, but I hadn't eaten anything yet so there wasn't much there. At one point between the heaves I told him that Michael had a diaper on the bed. When I was done and cleaned up enough not to fall over, I took Michael out to the living room and sat down on the couch with a still partially tear stained face. (For those of you who haven't puked in forever, I automatically tear up when I puke and actually all the liquids on my face just seem to pour). Missy asked what was wrong and I told her the story. I ended up telling everyone the story, because really, it was kind of really funny. What a wonderful way to start off your wedding day right?
We scurried around and finally left to get to the Mansion where our wedding was being held. We had to stop and get gas and we were a little later than I had planned on getting there. It was awesome to see my Mom, Johanna and my sister Sharon waiting there for me! Johanna's good friend Samantha was there as well, who I'd met once but I had forgot that I had met her. She was our photographer and oh my goodness, her pictures are a dream come true! (I'll add a couple of the preview ones she sent me)
After saying hello to everyone, I shooed everyone out of my chapel room to get ready. I got my slip on most of the way and while I could feel that it would close and still fit (the only piece of my outfit I was concerned that might not fit after being pregnant) I couldn't zip it up all the way by myself. So, I put the corset so it covered up my top half and held it on while I asked just Johanna (my Maid of Honor) to come help me. She came in and got the slip done up then started to help with the corset. She commented on the many snap hooks it had and I commented on the massive amount of boob it produced. She commented on that too when I turned around. Having the underclothes on I sent someone in search of Mom so she could help with my wedding dress.
When Mom came in, she also commented on the massive amount of boob. I offered her some, because honestly, I didn't know what I was going to do with all of it! Once we got my dress on though, everything looked lots better and I wasn't afraid that I'd pop out of my dress. Mom was helping set up decorations still and disappeared while I put my make up on. After the make up was on I went to put my tiara and veil on. Johanna tried to help, but neither of us could get it on right. It kept sliding up and popping off my head. So we got Mom back and she had the magic touch!
We finished getting ready and the girls cleaned up all the stuff out of the chapel changing room. It was time to get things started. Johanna and I walked into the Greenhouse where the reception was going to be, I scurried quickly because I saw Mike out in front of the mansion and as I hadn't let him see my dress at all, I didn't want him to see it moments before the wedding. He didn't see me and everyone got ready to walk down the aisle. Johanna and Matt pulled Michael down the aisle in his little red wagon. Apparently everyone loved it and he had a great time. I can't wait to see the video of it. This is an amazing picture that Samantha got of him though, he's peeking around my dress.
Dad and I waited inside the mansion until it was time for us to come outside. We walked outside and down the mansion stairs to get to the walkway we needed to be at. I told Dad that I needed him to support me, and he said he was hoping to have my support. I told him I was in heels, and we laughed. I'm such a clutz. Luckily, no one fell.
Then, it was time to walk down the aisle, so Dad and I walked through the gate and around the corner where everyone could see us. It was neat to see everyone who came, and to see how pretty everything was. Mom and Seanie (Raini's girlfriend) decorated the gazebo and had put fake flower petals all around in the colors I had chose for the ribbons on my centerpieces. That would be orange, green and purple. We got to the end and Dad handed me to Mike. We got up there and Mom gave me my real Mom's wedding rings. I didn't bawl like I thought I would. I think I was just too happy with how everything turned out.
Mike and I turned and faced each other even though I think now that we were supposed to be facing Wonil. Wonil talked about how he had Mike and I write to him about each other and how whatever we said could be used against us. He then continued to read exactly what we wrote, the entire thing! I wasn't expecting that and was a little embarrassed. I wished I could have wrote something better. This is what I wrote:
The morning of our wedding, I got up and took a shower. When I got out of the shower, Mike woke up (or got out of bed) and took his shower and Missy came and knocked on the door to make sure we were awake. I was a little surprised she didn't hear the blow dryer a couple minutes before. I guess it's not as loud as I thought it was. I went and grabbed Michael and stuck him in the shower with Mike, then left to go get a towel and do some other things. I got back just as Mike and Michael were getting out and I took Michael in his towel.
Now, I don't remember how this all worked, but Mike was somehow ahead of me and in our tiny little "hallway" between our bedroom and attached bathroom and I was next to the sink with Michael. We needed to trade places so I could take Michael to the bed and put the diaper I had waiting for him on. Well, seconds before Mike and I traded places he had a bit of gas. Normally, Mike is a weird alien that has gas that doesn't stink. It's all the sound, but no smell, which is nice, but this time as I passed him, I walked right into and through the foulest smelling gas bubble (okay so I've smelled worse, it was just bad). It took me by surprise, but I figured whatever, it's not the worst I've ever dealt with and I can handle it. I was wrong, I stood there a couple steps inside the room struggling not to get sick. I believe Mike asked me if I was okay, and what was wrong, but I couldn't give him a real answer. I finally yelled at him to hurry up and take Michael. Then yelled at him to get there faster. Poor Mike didn't know what was going on and as soon as he was close enough, I handed Michael to him and I ran for the bathroom.
I made it, and I heaved, and puked a little bit, but I hadn't eaten anything yet so there wasn't much there. At one point between the heaves I told him that Michael had a diaper on the bed. When I was done and cleaned up enough not to fall over, I took Michael out to the living room and sat down on the couch with a still partially tear stained face. (For those of you who haven't puked in forever, I automatically tear up when I puke and actually all the liquids on my face just seem to pour). Missy asked what was wrong and I told her the story. I ended up telling everyone the story, because really, it was kind of really funny. What a wonderful way to start off your wedding day right?
We scurried around and finally left to get to the Mansion where our wedding was being held. We had to stop and get gas and we were a little later than I had planned on getting there. It was awesome to see my Mom, Johanna and my sister Sharon waiting there for me! Johanna's good friend Samantha was there as well, who I'd met once but I had forgot that I had met her. She was our photographer and oh my goodness, her pictures are a dream come true! (I'll add a couple of the preview ones she sent me)
After saying hello to everyone, I shooed everyone out of my chapel room to get ready. I got my slip on most of the way and while I could feel that it would close and still fit (the only piece of my outfit I was concerned that might not fit after being pregnant) I couldn't zip it up all the way by myself. So, I put the corset so it covered up my top half and held it on while I asked just Johanna (my Maid of Honor) to come help me. She came in and got the slip done up then started to help with the corset. She commented on the many snap hooks it had and I commented on the massive amount of boob it produced. She commented on that too when I turned around. Having the underclothes on I sent someone in search of Mom so she could help with my wedding dress.
When Mom came in, she also commented on the massive amount of boob. I offered her some, because honestly, I didn't know what I was going to do with all of it! Once we got my dress on though, everything looked lots better and I wasn't afraid that I'd pop out of my dress. Mom was helping set up decorations still and disappeared while I put my make up on. After the make up was on I went to put my tiara and veil on. Johanna tried to help, but neither of us could get it on right. It kept sliding up and popping off my head. So we got Mom back and she had the magic touch!
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Mom putting my tiara and veil on. I love this picture! |
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Mom tying my bow. |
We finished getting ready and the girls cleaned up all the stuff out of the chapel changing room. It was time to get things started. Johanna and I walked into the Greenhouse where the reception was going to be, I scurried quickly because I saw Mike out in front of the mansion and as I hadn't let him see my dress at all, I didn't want him to see it moments before the wedding. He didn't see me and everyone got ready to walk down the aisle. Johanna and Matt pulled Michael down the aisle in his little red wagon. Apparently everyone loved it and he had a great time. I can't wait to see the video of it. This is an amazing picture that Samantha got of him though, he's peeking around my dress.
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Michael, my son, my ring bearer! |
Dad and I waited inside the mansion until it was time for us to come outside. We walked outside and down the mansion stairs to get to the walkway we needed to be at. I told Dad that I needed him to support me, and he said he was hoping to have my support. I told him I was in heels, and we laughed. I'm such a clutz. Luckily, no one fell.
Then, it was time to walk down the aisle, so Dad and I walked through the gate and around the corner where everyone could see us. It was neat to see everyone who came, and to see how pretty everything was. Mom and Seanie (Raini's girlfriend) decorated the gazebo and had put fake flower petals all around in the colors I had chose for the ribbons on my centerpieces. That would be orange, green and purple. We got to the end and Dad handed me to Mike. We got up there and Mom gave me my real Mom's wedding rings. I didn't bawl like I thought I would. I think I was just too happy with how everything turned out.
Mike and I turned and faced each other even though I think now that we were supposed to be facing Wonil. Wonil talked about how he had Mike and I write to him about each other and how whatever we said could be used against us. He then continued to read exactly what we wrote, the entire thing! I wasn't expecting that and was a little embarrassed. I wished I could have wrote something better. This is what I wrote:
"How we met
Mike and I met through friends, we all used to get together and play Magic the Gathering, and once in a while we'd have a drink too. We were casual friends until Mike and his roommates moved into a new apartment. They needed a new roommate and my friend invited me to move in, knowing I was ready to move back to the OC after living at home for 3 months. Mike and the other roommate had already told Missy (Mike's sister) that she could move in. Both of us ended up moving in, and we had 5 people in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment. It was pretty cramped, but it worked out okay. Mike and I ended up getting together, even though he had a no dating rule. He hadn't dated in years, and was never planning on getting married, or having kids. Now look at him! A year later, after Missy, Mike and I moved into our own apartment, Mike and I were still dating, and I ended up pregnant. Not only that, but before we had found out about the baby, Mike and I had been talking about getting married!
How he proposed
August 29, 2009
I had a prenatal appointment and had gone to a doctors appointment, Missy and Mike had gone out shopping. When I got home from my doctors appointment, they were still out and I had no idea where they were or what they were doing, but I didn't feel very good and enjoyed having the house to myself for a little bit. When they came home they were talking about going to Disneyland, since it was one of the only days all three of us could go before our season passes expired. Due to my not feeling well, I declined Disneyland. We finally settled on going to the movies, and all throughout all of the discussions, Missy had let me know that if I just wanted it to be Mikey and I that it was okay, she could stay home, but that just confused me and I told her she should come too. When we got home from the movies, Missy went to her room and Mike told me he had some work to do on his computer so I sat down on the couch and played some games. A while later Mike asked me to come look at his work and tell him what I thought, that was normal. What wasn't normal was that when I got up there he wanted me to sit in his chair and watch a movie. I couldn't figure out what was going on, where was his work? He hit play and words popped up on the screen they said, "Ash, you know I love you" in big red 3D letters, then they disappeared and the words " Will you Marry Me?" popped up onto the screen. An engagement ring flew up underneath the words. It took me a good minute to realize what was going on as I watched the whole movie loop a couple of times. The movie was only 3 seconds long, and when I turned around Mike was down on one knee with the ring that had been on the screen. Of course I said yes! The ring was perfect too, it was small and artsy not big and gaudy!
Why I like Mike
Time for the fun and sappy stuff right? Whenever I need someone to talk to, he is always there for me. He has a tough guy attitude, and is often times a bit rough and tough, but he's really sweet and kind to me. He's honest, and sometimes brutally so, but I know that he is always going to tell the truth, which is something not many people will do. He'll tell me the truth even if he knows it will upset me and he does that, but sometimes he can break it to me easy which I appreciate. He is protective of me, and while once in a while it has confused me, I overall enjoy it. He's cocky and confident and I love his drive. I love his smile because it makes me light up, I love his eyes because they share so much with me even when words can't or don't. Mike loves me like I have never been loved. There is so much that I love about Mikey and I just don't know how to put it into words at all, but I love him more than he could ever imagine no matter how much he might think he can imagine, I love him even more than that. He is an amazing friend, lover, soon to be husband, and an amazing father to our son.
I am excited that I get to live the rest of my life with him, knowing him the way I know him and knowing his love for his family.
Errrr that's all I can think of at the moment lol Is this good?"
Mike and I met through friends, we all used to get together and play Magic the Gathering, and once in a while we'd have a drink too. We were casual friends until Mike and his roommates moved into a new apartment. They needed a new roommate and my friend invited me to move in, knowing I was ready to move back to the OC after living at home for 3 months. Mike and the other roommate had already told Missy (Mike's sister) that she could move in. Both of us ended up moving in, and we had 5 people in a 2 bed 2 bath apartment. It was pretty cramped, but it worked out okay. Mike and I ended up getting together, even though he had a no dating rule. He hadn't dated in years, and was never planning on getting married, or having kids. Now look at him! A year later, after Missy, Mike and I moved into our own apartment, Mike and I were still dating, and I ended up pregnant. Not only that, but before we had found out about the baby, Mike and I had been talking about getting married!
How he proposed
August 29, 2009
I had a prenatal appointment and had gone to a doctors appointment, Missy and Mike had gone out shopping. When I got home from my doctors appointment, they were still out and I had no idea where they were or what they were doing, but I didn't feel very good and enjoyed having the house to myself for a little bit. When they came home they were talking about going to Disneyland, since it was one of the only days all three of us could go before our season passes expired. Due to my not feeling well, I declined Disneyland. We finally settled on going to the movies, and all throughout all of the discussions, Missy had let me know that if I just wanted it to be Mikey and I that it was okay, she could stay home, but that just confused me and I told her she should come too. When we got home from the movies, Missy went to her room and Mike told me he had some work to do on his computer so I sat down on the couch and played some games. A while later Mike asked me to come look at his work and tell him what I thought, that was normal. What wasn't normal was that when I got up there he wanted me to sit in his chair and watch a movie. I couldn't figure out what was going on, where was his work? He hit play and words popped up on the screen they said, "Ash, you know I love you" in big red 3D letters, then they disappeared and the words " Will you Marry Me?" popped up onto the screen. An engagement ring flew up underneath the words. It took me a good minute to realize what was going on as I watched the whole movie loop a couple of times. The movie was only 3 seconds long, and when I turned around Mike was down on one knee with the ring that had been on the screen. Of course I said yes! The ring was perfect too, it was small and artsy not big and gaudy!
Why I like Mike
Time for the fun and sappy stuff right? Whenever I need someone to talk to, he is always there for me. He has a tough guy attitude, and is often times a bit rough and tough, but he's really sweet and kind to me. He's honest, and sometimes brutally so, but I know that he is always going to tell the truth, which is something not many people will do. He'll tell me the truth even if he knows it will upset me and he does that, but sometimes he can break it to me easy which I appreciate. He is protective of me, and while once in a while it has confused me, I overall enjoy it. He's cocky and confident and I love his drive. I love his smile because it makes me light up, I love his eyes because they share so much with me even when words can't or don't. Mike loves me like I have never been loved. There is so much that I love about Mikey and I just don't know how to put it into words at all, but I love him more than he could ever imagine no matter how much he might think he can imagine, I love him even more than that. He is an amazing friend, lover, soon to be husband, and an amazing father to our son.
I am excited that I get to live the rest of my life with him, knowing him the way I know him and knowing his love for his family.
Errrr that's all I can think of at the moment lol Is this good?"
He responded, "Yes, Ashley. That is very good." Then he proceeded to read Mikes:
"Where to begin,
Ash and I met through a mutual friend. Officially we where part of the same geek cult if you will, we gathered and played magic from night till we where late for class the next day. But our true story didn't really start until we moved in together. Funny as it may be I was acting as a mediator between her and her ex who still had feelings for her. After this was resolved she began pursuing me even though I had made it clear I did not partake in relationships. I eventually fell for her relentless feminine wiles which I later discovered was the best "trip" I have taken.
After living together for about 2 years I started to plan proposing, then one morning she came to me crying saying she was pregnant I was half asleep and just said, "Ok, lets just go back to sleep nothing we can do about it now." At the time I was tired and I don't like to see her cry. This kicked my proposal into 5th gear.
For a couple weeks I tried to get her to go to Disney where i had planed to propose during the fireworks, but for the life of me I could not get her to go. So in an act of desperation I prepared a short 3d animation of a falling then spinning ring with the words "Marry me" appearing. While she watched I was knelt behind her with the ring.
Ash and I where destined or designed to be together, we shared many of the same joys and passions. I love that we have so much in common because i believe it strengthens us if I go hang out with friends I can bring my family because we like the same things. This makes it great when I go play cards cause she plays to. I feel that I am blissfully happy with Ash and cannot see myself without her. Her and our son Michael are my best friends and I would have it no other way."
Ash and I met through a mutual friend. Officially we where part of the same geek cult if you will, we gathered and played magic from night till we where late for class the next day. But our true story didn't really start until we moved in together. Funny as it may be I was acting as a mediator between her and her ex who still had feelings for her. After this was resolved she began pursuing me even though I had made it clear I did not partake in relationships. I eventually fell for her relentless feminine wiles which I later discovered was the best "trip" I have taken.
After living together for about 2 years I started to plan proposing, then one morning she came to me crying saying she was pregnant I was half asleep and just said, "Ok, lets just go back to sleep nothing we can do about it now." At the time I was tired and I don't like to see her cry. This kicked my proposal into 5th gear.
For a couple weeks I tried to get her to go to Disney where i had planed to propose during the fireworks, but for the life of me I could not get her to go. So in an act of desperation I prepared a short 3d animation of a falling then spinning ring with the words "Marry me" appearing. While she watched I was knelt behind her with the ring.
Ash and I where destined or designed to be together, we shared many of the same joys and passions. I love that we have so much in common because i believe it strengthens us if I go hang out with friends I can bring my family because we like the same things. This makes it great when I go play cards cause she plays to. I feel that I am blissfully happy with Ash and cannot see myself without her. Her and our son Michael are my best friends and I would have it no other way."
At one point he commented on how he's done many weddings, but that Mike had to be the first person he knew who proposed behind the girl. Then he continued on with his speech. After that, he read the vows and Mike, then I said, "I do." We kissed, and turned towards everyone. I took my flowers back from Johanna and we walked out.
Apparently the ceremony only lasted 28 minutes according to Missy, but I could hardly walk down the aisle my feet were so sore from being in heels. (Technically they are wedges, but I was still standing on my toes!) The wedding party proceeded into the mansion, while the guests went into the Greenhouse. I sent someone for my sandals so I wouldn't die, and sent everyone else back out to the Gazebo for family pictures. Mike and I took a couple pictures inside, and then joined everyone outside for the family/bridal party pictures. These are some that I have access to right now.
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Bridal Party. Johanna, Me, Mike, Matt |
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Family. Raini, Ron, Linda, Me, Mike, Michael, Lori, John, Missy, Matt |
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Mike and I laughing because Michael has a grip on my flowers, he ripped a couple sadly. |
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Mike and I as Husband and Wife! <3 |
After the pictures, we proceeded to the Greenhouse. We ended up waiting outside for a little while wondering if we were supposed to just walk in or be introduced. I don't remember if we were introduced or not, but in we went and sat down. Wonil said a blessing, and we ate. Mike and I were served, and then the banquet lady dismissed table by table to go get their plates of sandwiches, potato salad, pasta salad and green salad. It was wonderful looking, but I wasn't really able to eat. I did eat a little bit though and it tasted very yummy. Mike and I also got a complimentary drink from the bar. He had a beer and I had a coke. Missy and Alex both bought Mike another beer (Missy actually got Mike one before the mansion did) and Alex also bought me another Coke.
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Table Settings, Lovely flowers and skittles by Nancy! |
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Reception lunch in the Greenhouse |
The servers came around and filled up our glasses with champagne or sparkling cider and of course I got the cider. I don't even like champagne if I even wanted it. Missy, Matt, Johanna, and my Mom all got up at one point and made a toast to us. I got teary eyed, especially with Missy's.
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Server pouring Matt Champagne |
Then it was time for Mike and I to cut the cake. That was a tad embarrassing. I didn't know how to cut it! I got help and Mike and I finally cut into the cake. I needed help again at this point because I couldn't get the slice of cake out. The servers helped us, and I realized how simple it should have been. Mike got a huge bite on his fork and made me nervous. In my opinion it was something Mike would do to smash cake all over my face. I tried to get a big piece on my fork in case I needed to retaliate, but I ended up mashing the cake up into goop before giving up. We fed each other the cake and he was sweet with it. I was a bit surprised, but totally okay with not having cake everywhere!
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My Springy Wedding Cake |
We sat back down and the servers served everyone cake. The top 2 layers were Raspberry Victorian, which was amazing and the bottom layer was a Chocolate Turtle. That was yummy as well, but I preferred the Raspberry Victorian.
Next to my plate of cake, I had a stock pile of red skittles that Johanna had been stock piling for me. You see, Raini and Missy's table (they were sitting closest to the head table) had got a bit wet from the condensation on their glasses and had soaked a lot of skittles, so they were stealing them off of the head table. The only problem I had with that, was they were stealing all the red ones! The red ones were my favorite and I wanted a couple! Sadly, halfway through eating my cake, I noticed that our family was going outside to do 4 generation pictures. I didn't know if that meant I was supposed to go out or not, so I did. I never got back into the greenhouse. I was outside for the rest of the time taking pictures.
Everyone started to leave because it was getting late. We all said our goodbyes to those leaving. Then, Sharon had to leave. She had flown in earlier that day from AZ just to come to my wedding. She needed to be back to the airport by 5 but she couldn't find her bag. Everyone searched for it. At one point, Dad noticed that his truck had been broken into. Someone had punched his lock in on the drivers side. Dad's truck doesn't need to be opened with the keys, so he didn't even notice it right away. Sharon's bag had been stolen. As far as I know, things were never really resolved, but Sharon got to the airport and got back to AZ which was good. I'm sorry about your bag Sharon, and your car Dad!
Aside from the stolen bag and broke in truck. It was a wonderful day and it was better than I could have ever imagined. I am so happy to finally be married to Mike, and to have his last name!
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