Last night as Mike and I headed to bed, I used the restroom before going to bed. Once out of the bathroom and near the bed I realized I was wet. I waddled back to the bathroom to see if I had wet myself or if I had broke my water. I believe I wet myself, but I wasn't sure. I waddled back to bed after changing, I hadn't wet myself much if that's what it was. I told Mike that if it was my water we should know soon, and we went to sleep.
Michael woke up crying at some point in the night, I don't remember when. We consoled him and he went back to sleep after a good while. Poor little man. Then it was back to bed after another bathroom break.
I woke up again at 5 am needing to use the restroom, so I went. Then I stayed on the toilet and trickled fluid for about 5 minutes. I finally got a pad and stuffed it in place before turning on my computer to research about your water breaking. I had a high leak last time with Michael and I thought maybe my water broke with another high leak. I was having contractions of some kind, I believe they were braxton hicks, but there were one or two that were very slightly painful. About 20 minutes later at 5:24am I felt like I had to pee again. So, off to the bathroom I went. I "peed" but I couldn't tell if I was actually peeing or if it was a collection of water that managed to leak out from the high leak again. While still using the bathroom, Michael woke up crying and screamed, "Mama!" Mike woke up and noticed me missing and called for me too. I let him know I was in the bathroom, and then I went to check on Michael.
Michael got up out of bed and headed for the door (of the bedroom) I shut the door not wanting to chase him through the house, but that made him scream and cry so I opened it up. He stood right outside in the hallway next to the bathroom (which still had a light on) and said, "Water?" as he looked in there. I told him that yes, there was water running (still going in the toilet) and then he looked at me and asked, "Peepee?" Seeing his diaper wasn't wet I told him that I had indeed gone peepee. He accepted that and then looked out the hallway and said, "Vroom Vroom?" I agreed that our vroom vroom was out there. We continued to talk about the vroom vroom and when that didn't get us anywhere, he told me "Outside!" I told him it was "night night" and that we didn't go outside at night. He didn't want to accept that. I finally asked him if he'd like another baba and when he agreed, I got his bottle from the room while he stood in the hallway. He walked with me into the kitchen and his face lit up right away when he saw the keys to my car. He grabbed them and insisted that we go outside to the vroom vroom. I poured his bottle for him and knowing he wanted it, I asked him if I could have the keys. He gave me the keys as I gave him the bottle. I picked him up and took him to bed with me. He laid down between Mike and I and passed out for the rest of the night. (Oh and as for the reason I believe he woke up the first time, I think he was having gas pains, because as we were standing in the kitchen there were quite a few long toots).
Then, at 7am this morning, I got a phone call from Lori, almost sounding panicked asking me what was wrong. Granted, the panic in her voice I think was from the way I sounded when I answered... very groggy and sleep. Apparently, my phone called her and she barely missed the call and she called back immediately. I told her there was no way my phone could have called her as it was on the night stand next to me, the cats weren't scurrying about they were curled up asleep and Michael was sound asleep between Mike and I. My phone has no record of it calling her, but I heard her tell John that I didn't call her. There was a bit of confusion among all of us over that, but whatever. Then at 7:07am I heard a woman's voice say, "Ash?" I jumped and looked behind me to see who was standing there, but no one was there, so I looked out the window that was right at my head to see who was there and no one was there. Neither Mike or Michael stirred though so I know they didn't hear it. It took me a good minute to realize that I must be that exhausted, but I'll tell you, it tripped me out. It was very realistic.
I finally got back to bed and slept in and out until it was time to get up. Then Mike and Michael went to the auction and looked around, while I napped some more to get some good rest after a very weird night!
Uh-oh Here We Go Again!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Raging Hormones or Raging Whore Moans?
Now, my hormones might have raged last pregnancy, but this pregnancy I have really noticed it. Not only do my emotions go up and down and all around spinning me in circles until I have no idea which direction I'm supposed to go, but my body is all out of whack too. I have to tell you, I get hot flashes from bloody hell!
A normal day in the life of Mike and Ash, Mike is hot and Ash is usually fairly cool. At the very least, Mike is usually warmer than Ash. Now, add in Ash's pregnancy hormones and see how it goes:
A) Ash is boiling up, and Mike is just fine
B) Ash is boiling up and Mike looks at her funny because he is rather cool
C) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is just fine
D) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is boiling hot
I think that about covers it for the options we have. I'm almost never at a good temperature and I'm almost always sweating. It's only at night when I go to sleep that I freeze... not true actually. Today when my car got took to the shop because it was making bad noises that had to do with the breaks, Mike and I walked to Denny's (Michael got left with Nana because I was afraid to take him in a car when it was making such horrible noises and I didn't want to break down with him in the car with us) and I was so sweaty it was ridiculous, then we walked into Denny's and after I minute I was freezing. I don't think it was actually even cold in there! I was a bit upset because I was wanting to indulge in a nice Strawberry Cheesecake milkshake that they were advertising. I did anyways and it was yummy, I was just angry that I was so cold for no reason. As soon as we left though I started sweating again, yuck! But yeah, I froze at Denny's when I normally only freeze in bed. Which even then, I wake up with no covers on and I'm all roasty toasty.
Now, there's one other thing I can think of to tell you. I started typing this hours ago but had to go lay down due to not feeling very good.
That would be the title of this, and a story to go with it. While at Denny's complaining to Mike about my temperature and stupid pregnancy hormones, he laughed and said yeah, pregnancy hormones. I laughed with him, then he said, "No wait, I don't think you got it." He pulled out his phone and typed out "whore moans" and showed it to me. I laughed, then I apologized. I also told him I felt like I should be offended, but I knew that's not what it was meant to be and that I wasn't because of how well I knew him. He told me he thought it would make me laugh, which it did. Then, I thought of a night not too long ago which the "whore moans" applies perfectly.
You see, my computer got a virus. I'm not sure what I did to get a virus, which is frustrating, but it happened. Mikey was sitting at my computer trying to fix it, Michael was in bed and I was sitting next to Mike. Well, having a runny nose and not feeling the best at the time I took some Benadryl, which was fine, except for the fact that I had been planning on staying up with Mike for a while, while he worked on my computer. The thing is, Benadryl knocks me out. Within 15 minutes, which felt more like 5, I could barely keep my head up or my eyes open. We moved to Mikes computer so he could look something up and I was having a hard time staying awake. I needed Mike to move Michael out of our bed and into his bed because I didn't trust myself to carry him while I was so drowsy. I couldn't get in bed with Michael there because he was laying on my side of the bed surrounded by my pregnancy body pillow.
Well, Mike was still working on the computers while I kept startling myself awake. I finally started talking, and Mike said he'd get Michael in just a minute. Finally after what felt like forever, Mike turned off his computer, left mine running a scan and we went to bed. I crawled in bed still talking to Mike, but Mike wasn't really responding. Something happened, I don't remember what, but I ended up waking Michael up because I wasn't whispering in the nice quiet voice that I thought I was. I also found out that I wasn't talking, I was bitching and moaning about everything that was wrong with me at the moment, and I had repeated myself several times. Worse than that, I had gotten louder every time I repeated myself and I had no idea. Mike laughed a bit annoyed, and told me that he had never ever heard me bitch and complain like that and I had no idea about any of it. I didn't even realize that I was complaining or anything, I thought I was just having a normal conversation.
Now it's just something silly that we laugh about!
A normal day in the life of Mike and Ash, Mike is hot and Ash is usually fairly cool. At the very least, Mike is usually warmer than Ash. Now, add in Ash's pregnancy hormones and see how it goes:
A) Ash is boiling up, and Mike is just fine
B) Ash is boiling up and Mike looks at her funny because he is rather cool
C) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is just fine
D) Ash is freezing cold, and Mike is boiling hot
I think that about covers it for the options we have. I'm almost never at a good temperature and I'm almost always sweating. It's only at night when I go to sleep that I freeze... not true actually. Today when my car got took to the shop because it was making bad noises that had to do with the breaks, Mike and I walked to Denny's (Michael got left with Nana because I was afraid to take him in a car when it was making such horrible noises and I didn't want to break down with him in the car with us) and I was so sweaty it was ridiculous, then we walked into Denny's and after I minute I was freezing. I don't think it was actually even cold in there! I was a bit upset because I was wanting to indulge in a nice Strawberry Cheesecake milkshake that they were advertising. I did anyways and it was yummy, I was just angry that I was so cold for no reason. As soon as we left though I started sweating again, yuck! But yeah, I froze at Denny's when I normally only freeze in bed. Which even then, I wake up with no covers on and I'm all roasty toasty.
Now, there's one other thing I can think of to tell you. I started typing this hours ago but had to go lay down due to not feeling very good.
That would be the title of this, and a story to go with it. While at Denny's complaining to Mike about my temperature and stupid pregnancy hormones, he laughed and said yeah, pregnancy hormones. I laughed with him, then he said, "No wait, I don't think you got it." He pulled out his phone and typed out "whore moans" and showed it to me. I laughed, then I apologized. I also told him I felt like I should be offended, but I knew that's not what it was meant to be and that I wasn't because of how well I knew him. He told me he thought it would make me laugh, which it did. Then, I thought of a night not too long ago which the "whore moans" applies perfectly.
You see, my computer got a virus. I'm not sure what I did to get a virus, which is frustrating, but it happened. Mikey was sitting at my computer trying to fix it, Michael was in bed and I was sitting next to Mike. Well, having a runny nose and not feeling the best at the time I took some Benadryl, which was fine, except for the fact that I had been planning on staying up with Mike for a while, while he worked on my computer. The thing is, Benadryl knocks me out. Within 15 minutes, which felt more like 5, I could barely keep my head up or my eyes open. We moved to Mikes computer so he could look something up and I was having a hard time staying awake. I needed Mike to move Michael out of our bed and into his bed because I didn't trust myself to carry him while I was so drowsy. I couldn't get in bed with Michael there because he was laying on my side of the bed surrounded by my pregnancy body pillow.
Well, Mike was still working on the computers while I kept startling myself awake. I finally started talking, and Mike said he'd get Michael in just a minute. Finally after what felt like forever, Mike turned off his computer, left mine running a scan and we went to bed. I crawled in bed still talking to Mike, but Mike wasn't really responding. Something happened, I don't remember what, but I ended up waking Michael up because I wasn't whispering in the nice quiet voice that I thought I was. I also found out that I wasn't talking, I was bitching and moaning about everything that was wrong with me at the moment, and I had repeated myself several times. Worse than that, I had gotten louder every time I repeated myself and I had no idea. Mike laughed a bit annoyed, and told me that he had never ever heard me bitch and complain like that and I had no idea about any of it. I didn't even realize that I was complaining or anything, I thought I was just having a normal conversation.
Now it's just something silly that we laugh about!
Braxton Hicks Make You Poo
Seriously, I'm writing about this. Maybe not a lot, but I had to throw a little something on here about it! I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks (BH) contractions lately and sometimes I can't move because my stomach is so rock hard, but I get through them just fine. The only "pain" that comes with them is the "ouchmystomachjustturnedintoarock" pain of it being too tight. Nothing else, well except when Jace moves randomly while I'm contracting like that.
I usually only get BH when I walk around a lot, or when I haven't walked very much that day and I start walking a little bit. So just walking makes me contract I guess. Last pregnancy, I had a hard time using the restroom, but this pregnancy once I start contracting with BH I need to find a restroom not long afterwards. It's ridiculous, but true. Braxton hicks make you poo. That's all there is too it! My only job is to make sure I make it to the toilet quick enough. It's silly, a little bit gross, but all true.
I usually only get BH when I walk around a lot, or when I haven't walked very much that day and I start walking a little bit. So just walking makes me contract I guess. Last pregnancy, I had a hard time using the restroom, but this pregnancy once I start contracting with BH I need to find a restroom not long afterwards. It's ridiculous, but true. Braxton hicks make you poo. That's all there is too it! My only job is to make sure I make it to the toilet quick enough. It's silly, a little bit gross, but all true.
35+ Weeks And A Birthday
So just a couple of days ago I hit my 35/35! Which means I'm at another great milestone in this pregnancy! That day I was 35 weeks pregnant and only had 35 more days to go until my due date. Now, I'm sure everyone is sick of me saying it as I posted it a couple of different places on that day. Which was also my 26th birthday, October 11, 2011.
Here is my picture from 35 weeks:
The night before my birthday Mikey's family and I went to Red Robin's and we had dinner there. It was yummy and I got magic cards from Mikey, a new pajama set with Eeyore on them from Lori and John and money to put towards a camera lens I wanted from Matt and Missy.
The camera lens I bought on my birthday. It's a 50mm f1.4 lens and I love it. Now I just need to get used to using it as I've always used the kit lens on my camera for many years.
Here is my picture from 35 weeks:
The night before my birthday Mikey's family and I went to Red Robin's and we had dinner there. It was yummy and I got magic cards from Mikey, a new pajama set with Eeyore on them from Lori and John and money to put towards a camera lens I wanted from Matt and Missy.
The camera lens I bought on my birthday. It's a 50mm f1.4 lens and I love it. Now I just need to get used to using it as I've always used the kit lens on my camera for many years.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
31 Weeks and no Room to Go!
Yesterday, I hit 31 weeks! I can't believe there are only about 9 weeks left until Jace arrives. I'm pretty excited, but at the same time can't believe I'm going to get bigger than I am. Here is my 31 week picture!
Not the most flattering shot, but you know? Who cares, haha. See where my upper hand is? Jace usually wedges himself up in there on my right side into my ribs. I can barely sit sometimes because of how well he wedges himself in there and this has been happening for about the last two weeks.
Also, I am so sore that I can hardly get out of bed. It is so lame when I have to pee in the middle of the night multiple times and the pain from getting up out of bed is almost enough to make me cry. I think most of the pain is a combination of pregnancy pains and my fibromyalgia combined. I had lower back pain before I got pregnant from it, and it went away for a good while when I got pregnant again, but now it's back with a vengeance! I don't know how on Earth I am going to get around as I grow bigger with Jace. I enjoy every little kick with him though.
I'm pretty excited too, Babies R Us is having a special, which they have every so often, where if you bring in used baby gear you can get 25% off new gear. Only one piece applies to each new purchase though, so no doubling up on the same item sadly. I am going to trade in my stroller (which I totally love) for a new double stroller, a Sit-N-Stand DX Stroller by Baby Trend. This stroller has a front seat like a normal stroller and then a platform and a platform seat in the back where the older child can either sit down and ride or stand on the platform and ride standing. This will separate Michael and Jace so that Michael doesn't accidentally smother or bash his little brother while riding next to him in side by side double strollers. Plus, as much as I love my single stroller, what's the point in keeping it when I need a double and Michael isn't quite big enough to walk everywhere with us yet, and this way he can still ride?
I also just got my car back tonight after it overheated and ruined some of my parts. It cost $800 to fix, and took 4 days for them to fix it. It was a long 4 days without a car! It's okay though since I'm too sore to go anywhere. :/
Well, that's it for now!
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31 Weeks 0 Days with Jace! |
Also, I am so sore that I can hardly get out of bed. It is so lame when I have to pee in the middle of the night multiple times and the pain from getting up out of bed is almost enough to make me cry. I think most of the pain is a combination of pregnancy pains and my fibromyalgia combined. I had lower back pain before I got pregnant from it, and it went away for a good while when I got pregnant again, but now it's back with a vengeance! I don't know how on Earth I am going to get around as I grow bigger with Jace. I enjoy every little kick with him though.
I'm pretty excited too, Babies R Us is having a special, which they have every so often, where if you bring in used baby gear you can get 25% off new gear. Only one piece applies to each new purchase though, so no doubling up on the same item sadly. I am going to trade in my stroller (which I totally love) for a new double stroller, a Sit-N-Stand DX Stroller by Baby Trend. This stroller has a front seat like a normal stroller and then a platform and a platform seat in the back where the older child can either sit down and ride or stand on the platform and ride standing. This will separate Michael and Jace so that Michael doesn't accidentally smother or bash his little brother while riding next to him in side by side double strollers. Plus, as much as I love my single stroller, what's the point in keeping it when I need a double and Michael isn't quite big enough to walk everywhere with us yet, and this way he can still ride?
I also just got my car back tonight after it overheated and ruined some of my parts. It cost $800 to fix, and took 4 days for them to fix it. It was a long 4 days without a car! It's okay though since I'm too sore to go anywhere. :/
Well, that's it for now!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Where are you sandman?
Lately I haven't been able to sleep. Half the time Mike can't sleep either. I have no idea why it is, but I really hate it. Okay, well I know that insomnia is a "symptom" of pregnancy, but is that why I can't sleep? I'm so tired that half the time I don't know if I even make sense. I wake up with Michael and try to nap if he takes a nap early enough, but when Mike is watching him and I do nap, I still don't get enough sleep to satisfy my body.
I'm tired, I'm sleepy and I have heartburn... and did I mention that I'm exhausted? I thought I should write about how tired I am and how I'm not getting any sleep, but I can't even think about what I should write. Even if I wanted to nap right now (which I don't only because it's close to bedtime, but not quite late enough yet for me) Michael is using my pillow. He was overtired but wouldn't lay down until he had half the blankets and pillows (all of which he calls "Dillows") off of my bed and in the pack n play with him. Not that he needs any blankets, it's so warm in here, he's sleeping on top of all of them. Mind you the house itself is cool, just our room is hot from the heat of the computers being on for a little while. The fan helps in addition to the AC though so that's nice. I guess that's all I really have to write about.
Although I went out with Bry today, she had an ultrasound and took me with her. I got to see Bellah, and while half of the ultrasound was really hard to even tell what was going on (because they were taking measurements) at the end we got to see her cute little face and her nose and mouth were really clear. I can't wait for Bry to have her, I'm so excited for her. :)
Jace is doing good and he's fairly active, but not as active as Michael was. Jace is at the point though where he's big enough that he likes to shove into my stomach and cause massive amounts of heart burn, make me feel sick, and just give me stomach pains whenever he feels like too. Sometimes he hits me from both the top of my stomach and on my pelvic floor as well, what an odd and fairly unpleasant sensation that is. I can't believe that he'll be here soon too.
I'm tired, I'm sleepy and I have heartburn... and did I mention that I'm exhausted? I thought I should write about how tired I am and how I'm not getting any sleep, but I can't even think about what I should write. Even if I wanted to nap right now (which I don't only because it's close to bedtime, but not quite late enough yet for me) Michael is using my pillow. He was overtired but wouldn't lay down until he had half the blankets and pillows (all of which he calls "Dillows") off of my bed and in the pack n play with him. Not that he needs any blankets, it's so warm in here, he's sleeping on top of all of them. Mind you the house itself is cool, just our room is hot from the heat of the computers being on for a little while. The fan helps in addition to the AC though so that's nice. I guess that's all I really have to write about.
Although I went out with Bry today, she had an ultrasound and took me with her. I got to see Bellah, and while half of the ultrasound was really hard to even tell what was going on (because they were taking measurements) at the end we got to see her cute little face and her nose and mouth were really clear. I can't wait for Bry to have her, I'm so excited for her. :)
Jace is doing good and he's fairly active, but not as active as Michael was. Jace is at the point though where he's big enough that he likes to shove into my stomach and cause massive amounts of heart burn, make me feel sick, and just give me stomach pains whenever he feels like too. Sometimes he hits me from both the top of my stomach and on my pelvic floor as well, what an odd and fairly unpleasant sensation that is. I can't believe that he'll be here soon too.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Boppy Pillow!
Oh, dear boppy pillow how I missed you! Last pregnancy my mom got me this awesome boppy wedge pillow. It's a little wedge that you can stick under your growing belly to support it. I love this thing and have been meaning to get it back out, but it was buried in a box in Michael's closet. I finally got it out a couple of days ago. This is it:
Sadly, I kept leaving it in Michael's room and didn't want to go back in there to look for it in the dark, so there it stayed. I finally remembered it while I was in there last night and threw it into the hall way so I would see it when I left. Mike still had to remind me to pick it up. I'm glad though because it has eased a lot of my back pain already in one night. Whoever invented this little wedge was a genius.
Also as a note, my boobs have gone into super leak mode today. Uuugh....
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